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STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Update 1, Build ( 10 November 2017)

Current Revision posted to RAM | STAAD Wiki by Carlos Aguera on 6/12/2018 12:36:20 PM

What's New in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Update 1, Build ( 10 November 2017)

Issues addressed in:-

  • (A) Analysis/Design Engine (22)
  • (B) Generic GUI Updates (26)
  • (C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (19)
  • (D) Physical Modelling Workflow (20)
  • (E) Other Modelling Workflows (03)
  • (F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (05)
  • (G) Other Post Processing Design Workingflows (07)
  • (H) Interoperability (11)
  • (I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (10)
  • (J) OpenSTAAD (01)
  • (K) Documentation and Printing (09)
  • (L) Licensing / Security / Installation (09)

(A) Analysis/Design Engine (22)

A) 01 The concrete design routine that included a REINF parameter to categorise a column as 'tied' or 'spiral' such as ACI 318, IS 456 or IS 13920 would result in an error, but report an unrelated message '** Error** Zero length member detected'. The processing of this parameter has been corrected and should it be used incorrectly, a suitable error message will be reported.

A) 02 The Australian steel design routine AS 4100 for analytical members failed to correctly populate the force array used during the design and thus cause the analysis to crash. This issue did not occur with designs of physical members i.e. PMEMBER.

A) 03 The reports produced from the steel design module for AASHTO (ASD) has been updated to ensure that the section modulus about Y axis of the profile is included. Note that this was only a problem in the report and did not affect any of the designs performed.

A) 04 The advanced cable analysis routine has been revised to better handle cable members that have very small tension forces, i.e. the node to node length approximates to the chord length and hence may have failed to trigger the internal force.

A) 05 The routine that is used to design physical members to AS 4100 has been restructured to vastly optimise its performance.

A) 06 The design routine for the Indian steel design IS800:2007 has been updated to ensure that the detail report includes the details of the compression slenderness criteria if the critical load case is a compression case, even if the member is not failing due to the compression slenderness limit.

A) 07 The AISC 360 torsion check using DG9 has been updated to include details of the units for added clarity when the torsion checks have been activated with the TOR parameter.

A) 08 A better report has been provided for Advanced Cable Analysis where a given load case has failed to converge successfully. Whilst results for these load cases are still provided, the output file does contain clearer information on the status of the analysis process.

A) 09 The details of the progress of an analysis has been updated for a GNL analysis such that the duplicate lines for a load step have been eliminated and the results of the initial setup which was being taken as the first step without any load is no longer included.

A) 10 The AASHTO (ASD) design does not support non-wide flange shapes that are subject to bending. A warning is now provided and it is suggested that an alternative code should be used for these sections.

A) 11 The analysis engine has been updated to improve the handling of round HSS profiles that are defined in the file before user defined pipe sections. The addition of the user defined pipe would modify the torsional constant, C, that would be used in design. This situation has now been trapped and the value for the HSS profile does not get modified by the user defined pipe section.

A) 12 The processing of the command PRINT MAXFORCE ENVELOPE which includes load combination cases which have been defined with an ABS or SRSS generation option has been improved so as to prevent such cases from causing the analysis to crash.

A) 13 The analysis processing of a oneway floor load has been updated to allow the TOWARDS option to be specified. Previously this would have been seen as an error and a warning added asking for the syntax to be checked and the option not used.

A) 14 The AIJ 2005 steel design routine has been updated for running the MEMBER SELECT command. The design process will iteratate through the list of database profiles in assending area order to determine the profile of least area that satisfies the design requirements. If no section was found, the design process would fail to end and the analysis would have to be forcibly terminated. Now, if no suitable section is found, the design is terminated and this is reported in the output file.

A) 15 The ASME NF design codes have been updated to ensure that if the values of the parameters CMY and CMZ have not been set, then they are taken as 0.85 as default rather than 1.0 (which was the case and shown in the output files).

A) 16 The Ritz Vector method for determining the dynamic modes of vibration has been enhanced with the option of setting the starting load definition for the various global directions.

A) 17 The ACI 318-14 concrete design code has been added only as a Technical Preview item and has not been validated for commercial use.

A) 18 The current set of seismic loading routines has been extended with the addition of the Canadian NRC 2010 code. Additionally the NRC 2010 method has been added to the Response Spectrum loading routine.

A) 19 The IS 801 steel design code routine for calculating the limiting axial stress of compression members has been updated. This capacity was being reported as 0.0 with a utilization ratio of infinity for any doubly symmetric or closed hollow section or member that was restrained against lateral torsional buckling.

A) 20 The AS 4100 steel design routine has been updated to correct a bug that was introduced in the CONNECT Edition release for the design of wide flange members with cover plates. The calculation of the elastic modulus of these sections was reported as zero and thus resulted in no flexural capacity and thus the design would fail with a utilization ratio of infinity.

A) 21 The detailed output of a design to IS 800:2007 using TRACK 2 has been updated to ensure that the section classification is reported for the critical load case rather than the most critical case for the section classification.

A) 22 The P-Delta analysis routine for accounting of the small-delta effect has been updated to correct the secondary effect in the MY direction.


(B) Generic GUI Updates (26)

B) 01 The right-click context menu in either a graphics window or table has been enhanced with 'Print Current View' and 'Print Preview Current View' which were toolbar options available in the V8i version of STAAD.Pro.

B) 02 The New Model backstage panel has been modified to provide easier to read text.

B) 03 The Jindal ISMC section profile table has been updated to the correct format for STAAD.PRO CONNECT Edition.

B) 04 The model Open page has been updated to provide additional information in the Properties panel on the analysis status, if there are results and which version of the program standard or advanced, was used to create the results.

B) 05 The graphics window has been enhanced with a customisable toolbar which is accessed and can be modified by clicking on the 'spacebar' when hovering over the window.

B) 06 Quick access to the view controls has been added to the graphics window by holding the 'Shift' and clicking on the right mouse button.

B) 07 The method that is used to launch the analysis process has been modified to ensure that it handles situations where the process ID (PID) of STAAD.Pro created by Windows exceeds 32000. Previously computers that had STAAD.Pro created with larger numbers would experience the effect that the analysis might not start or report that the results were not available when the analysis completed.

B) 08 The Application Configuration dialog has been modified to list the codes in a more logical alphabetical sequence.

B) 09 The dialogs provided in the Backstage>Settings tab, i.e. Display Options, Set Structure Colors and Structural Tooltip Options, have been added to the right click context menu on the graphics windows for quicker access.

B) 10 The load case selection method has been moved to the ribbon bar and a made more comprehensive to allow identification and selection of different types of load case, primary, combination or envelope.

B) 11 A generic GUI issue has been trapped that would display a rogue warning message 'Corner No.'. Whilst this may have been distracting, it had no impact on the program.

B) 12 The method to set the input units has been moved from the Status Bar to the Geometry ribbon in the Structure group. Additionally, the View Options setting has also been added to this group.

B) 13 The database of British UB profiles has been updated in the CONNECT Edition to remove blank spaces which were included on a few profiles that caused the program to fail to identify the section when either opening a model or when attempting to analyse a model with those profiles.

B) 14 The GUI has been slightly modified to ensure that when a new model is created or a file is opened, the, default ribbon and layout displayed is that for the Geometry rather than the previously displayed layout which may not be appropriate to the new or opened model.

B) 15 The parsing of database profiles has been slightly modified to ensure that regional settings do not influence the database reading routine.

B) 16 The behaviour of the Location field in the New Model page has been improved such that it is now possible to entre a new folder and if it does not currently exist, then it will prompt for confirmation that this new folder is indeed wanted and thus created.

B) 17 The Structure Wizard module includes a method for adding models

B) 18 A new Help>Technical Support dialog has been added to provide more insight into Corporate, Regional and Partner centres.

B) 19 The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) has been enhanced so that it can be customised and any command can be added and accessed quickly.

B) 20 The import routine has been updated to ensure that if a model has been imported such as a QSE *.ASA file, then when the file is saved, this data is included in the *.STD file.

B) 21 The GUI has been updated to better handle closing the graphic window and then attempt to display another layout which was causing the program to crash.

B) 22 The Indian steel profile database has been updated to include profiles defined in the IS 12778:2004 publication including NPB and WPB shapes.

B) 23 The STAAD.Pro GUI is now built as a full 64-bit application.

B) 24 The tool that has been provided for selecting entities by their group name has been updated and simplified.

B) 25 The GUI handling of Views has been improved to prevent the program from crashing if attempting to 'Add to View' when no view has been defined or when attmpting to 'Open View' and clicking on the OK button without selecting a view to display.

B) 26 The GUI has been updated to improve processing of a Damping Information section. In previous versions the correct use of a command EVALUATE would be displayed as an error, although if the file was analysed, the command would be processed correctly.


(C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (19)

C) 01 The assignment of the Direct Analysis parameter FYLD in the GUI has been updated to ensure that if the parameter is assigned to the entire view, then the command that is created and saved in the STD file has the correct format. Previously, the command could be created with the setting FYLD **** LIST ALL. Whereas this should be FYLD **** ALL.

C) 02 The handling of the Nodes table has been modified so that selecting all the entries (such as using CTRL+A) and pressing delete, which would cause the application to crash due to the inclusion of the blank row at the bottom of the table, is now handled correctly.

C) 03 The method used by the graphical interface to add a new analysis load case into a model with a CHANGE command has been improved. Previously this may have simply resulted in the GUI reporting that the new load case could not be added and thus could only be done with the Editor.

C) 04 The Utilities>User Tools macro 'AIJ Route 2 Utility' typo corrected in the macro name.

C) 05 The Support dialog box used to create Fixed, Pinned, Enforced and Enforced But supports have been slightly modified to display the options clearly.

C) 06 The message to advise on modification of User Provided Table (UPT) sections when the Edit option is selected in the Properties dialog, has been updated to better guide the user to this in the ribbon.

C) 07 The editing of Time History load definitions has been updated to prevent this from causing the program to crash.

C) 08 A minor update has been applied to the Pushover definition dialog for the spectrum which has been updated to remove an incorrect reference tables 1-4 and 1-5.

C) 09 The option to add the command PRINT CG as a pre-analysis command has been added to the Pre-Analysis Print dialog. Additionally a test is performed when the command is being added to ensure that it is only added once in the model.

C) 10 The Post-Analysis Print dialog has been updated to include adding the command PRINT STOREY STIFFNESS.

C) 11 The Connection Tag dialog has been updated to correctly display the Tag configuration XML file that is being used for defining the tags and their associated specifications.

C) 12 The Connection Tag check report has been updated to correct the label for 'FY.cap' which was displaying previously as 'FZ.cap' in the Connection Capacity section of the results table.

C) 13 The input dialog for the IBC 2012 seismic loading has been updated to ensure that the optional Ct and x parameters can be defined for both lateral X and Z directions as outlined in the help.

C) 14 The tool that has been provided for defining a set of attribute to be assigned to a new beam has been updated to work in the 64 bit environment. Previously, use of this tool could cause the application to crash.

C) 15 A new icon has been added to the Geometry ribbon to 'Toggle Physical Member Mode'. This allows for the assignment of section properties, specifications on physical members created using the V8i method and design parameters for the AS4100(physical) and NZ 3400(physical) design codes.

C) 16 An error in compiling the Connection Tag module in the CONNECT Edition that prevented the module from loading has been resolved and it now functions as in the earlier V8i versions.

C) 17 The tooltip used on the ribbon icon Utilities>Geometry Tools>Member Restraints has been reworded.

C) 18 The Select By Property Name tool that has been provided in the Geometry>Selection ribbon has been updated to ensure that it is possible now to select the entites by entering them in a list.

C) 19 The Member Query dialog has been updated to ensure that the labels in the image of the section properties for HSS round shapes are correctly refererenced.


(D) Physical Modelling Workflow (20)

D) 01 The implementation of circular hollow sections from the European database has been improved so that they are not reported as UPT profiles, but map directly to CHS profiles in the analytical modelling database. Additionally in the earlier mapping to UPT sections, then profiles were created with double the wall thickness of the database profile.

D) 02 The display of the section profile catalog has been modified slightly so that it is easier to define a parametric sections as a Catalog>Prismatic section.

D) 03 The validation of loads that are defined to extend beyond a physical member of outside a surface have been improved and more information is provided in the Message Panel.

D) 04 The option in the spreadsheet to 'Fill Selection with Current Cell Value' has been added to allow quick editing of the physical model data.

D) 05 The model manipulation in the Physical Model Workflow has been enhanced with a keyboard view manipulation using the arrow keys.

D) 06 Added clarity has been provided in the spreadsheet tool of the Physical Modelling Workflow such that when there are 2 layers of tabs, the selected item in the second layer is displayed unrefined. Where there are three layers, then the selected item in the second row is displayed as a tab and the selected item in the third row is displayed underlined.

D) 07 The tools in the Physical Model Workflow have been enhanced such that it is now possible to select members separately parallel to the X or Z axes, rather than a blanket horizontal plane.

D) 08 Keyboard shortcuts have been added to activate the commands in the ribbons of the Physical Model workflow.

D) 09 A new tool has been added to allow a number of tests to be performed on the structure. The Model Integrity Checks tool is in the Model ribbon and allows for identifying or deleting duplicate or overlapping entities as well as orphan nodes, zero length members and warped surfaces.

D) 10 The method to select the current load case has been modified to be more consistent with the Analytical Model workflow so displayed as a drop list in the View ribbon. The current load case is still displayed in the status bar. Additionally a method to view and set the current options has been added to the graphics window context menu which is displayed when the mouse right button is clicked.

D) 11 The database management system used in the Physical Model workflow has been updated to ensure that the underlying catalog service is running and will attempt to re-launch it if it has been terminated by another process.

D) 12 The tool that has been provides to allow multiple surfaces to be aggregated into a single surface has been updated to provide a better solution under situations which previously caused the function to create incomplete surfaces and result in a physical model that would not form into an analysis model.

D) 13 The area load routine has been updated to improve the handling of regions which have re-entrant angles.

D) 14 The method for selecting nodes, members or surfaces has been enhanced by adding a capability of selecting using tools on a current selection rather than simply over the entire model and additionally by allowing the selection to be based on a type list.

D) 15 The routine that processes a merge on members has been updated to ensure that concentrated loads on the original parts are retained and applied to the newly formed merged member.

D) 16 The method of saving the current defined unit set along with the physical model has been updated to ensure that when the physical model is reopened, the units defined during the previous session will be used.

D) 17 The context menu displayed in the model graphics window has been updated to include illustrations on the various snap options.

D) 18 The method used in the Physical Model Workflow to re-distribute modified uniform physical member loads onto the analytical beams after the analytical model has been initially created, has been updated. There were situations where the modification of the loads on the physical model were not getting updated on the analytical loading.

D) 19 The Segment Model tool provided in the Model ribbon has been updated to ensure that if the option 'Segment Members' is un-checked in the Options>Analysis Model dialog, then members are not sub-divided when the tool is run.

D) 20 The creation of analytical model data from the physical model has been updated to ensure that if a user defined generic material is created, the material properties are transferred into the analyitical data.


(E) Other Modelling Workflows (03)

E) 01 The Bridge Deck Workflow has been updated to correct an error in the format of the data that was saved in the auxiliary data file following a deck loading analysis and prevented the auxiliary data file from being re-loaded.

E) 02 The Building Planner Workflow has been updated to ensure that after this has been clicked (and the user has a valid STAAD Planwin license), then the STAAD Planwin application should be launched to allow the building model to be created. However, when the user returned to STAAD.Pro, clicking on the ribbon would cause the program to crash. This issue has been addressed.

E) 03 The Piping Workflow has been reactivated and now supports the PipeLink file interop with AutoPIPE. The PiepLink file format must now be in a 64-bit SQLite format. This file format will be created from AutoPIPE V11.2 or greater or the earlier MDB file format converted using a tool such as MDB-SQLite Convertor.


(F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (05)

F) 01 The layouts for Geometric Non-Linear analysis results have been added into the Analysis Post Processing workflow.

F) 02 The control used to display the time step in displacements diagrams of time history load cases has been updated to ensure that it controlled the diagram as intended.

F) 03 The layout that displays the Design Results for a steel design, Beam>Utilization, has been updated to ensure that when a design performed to IS800:2007 is performed and the loadcases have been classified as Serviceability and Strength in envelopes, then the load case that is reported is for the overall critical case.

F) 04 The default colours used to indicate the utilisation ratio installed by STAAD.Pro have been updated to be more in line with a Green=pass/ Red=fail scheme.

F) 05 The PostProcessing Workflow has been updated to ensure that if a model with dynamic results is loaded, then it is possible to go directly to a Dynamic Layout from the Results ribbon without first clicking on the PostProcessing>Dynamics stage. Previously in doing so would cause the application to crash.


(G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (07)

G) 01 The processing of models created in the Physical Model Workflow and then later on designed in the Concrete Design interactive workflow has been updated to prevent the application from crashing when the physical model is loaded.

G) 02 The Steel Connection Design routine has been updated to support double angle and double channel sections when appropriate to the connection template being used. Previously, which some double angle sections were supported, others were not and if used would cause the application to crash.

G) 03 The Foundation Design Workflow dialog has been updated to display the list of load cases and combinations in the order defined in the model rather than a sorted list.

G) 04 The Connection Design workflow has been improved to ensure that connections that apply to members that include Japanese profiles and validates that there are pairs of braces for chevron gusset connections (CVR) and 4 braces when creating a vertical cross brace connection (VXB)

G) 05 The Concrete Design workflow has been updated to address an issue found with the new 64 bit environment that would cause the application to crash when setting some parameters in a Design Brief dialog.

G) 06 The Concrete Design Workflow has been updated to support the Turkish TS500 design module on the 64 bit environment.

G) 07 The Connection Design Workflow has been updated to ensure that if the option to include Seismic Provisions has been included in the connection specification, that option is set in each specific connection that is created.


(H) Interoperability (10)

H) 01 The Create ISM routine in the Physical Model Workflow has been updated to first check if the repository that has been requested to be created already exists and warn the user before overwriting. Previously there would be no warning and the repository would simply fail to get created.

H) 02 The option to open models directly from a ProjectWise repository from the Start Screen has been activated.

H) 03 The ISM interoperability in the Physical Model workflow has been updated to improve the 'Update from Repository' method. Previously nodes and members which should have been updated were not being displayed.

H) 04 The ISM update process to the repository from the Physical Model Workflow has been improved to ensure that where materials have been updated through re-mapping to a material with properties, those changes are reflected back in the ISM repository.

H) 05 Angle profiles in the Physical Model that have been added into an ISM repository has been updated so that both are in the same alignment.

H) 06 The ISM update process to the repository from the Physical Model Workflow has been improved to ensure that where surfaces have been modified with openings, those openings are reflected back into the ISM repository.

H) 07 The Share section of the backstage has been updated with the option to package and deliver a full STAAD.Pro project with all associated files (collated into a single zip file, *.STZ) and managed in a ProjectWise repository.

H) 08 The Physical Model Workflow has been updated to ensure that models built with parametric wide flange or rectangular tubes are mapped into shapes for the ISM interop.

H) 09 The Physical Model Workflow interop with ISM has been updated to ensure that if the option 'Update Repository' is cancelled in the Structural Synchroniser, then this is reflected back in the progress dialog to confirm that the operation was cancelled.

H) 10 The Physical Model Workflow interop with ISM has been updated to provide support for the property OCR for HSS Rectangle shapes.

H) 11 The Physical Model Workflow interop with ISM has been updated to display an 'Open' dialog when using the Update Repository routine. Previously this displayed a 'Save As' dialog which may suggest the file would be over-written, although it was just being updated.


(I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (10)

I) 01 The tool in the Editor ribon Home>Tools 'Check Syntax', that performs a check on the current data and provides a report of any errors, warnings or messages, at the base of the application, has been activated.

I) 02 The Section Database Manager has been enhanced with an additional tool that will allow old Access *.MDB databases to be converted to the new SQLite database format as used with the CONNECT Edition.

I) 03 The Macro Script Editor has been enhanced with sample code such that when it is run, the file is pre-loading with the basic content of a macro ready to use OpenSTAAD.

I) 04 The routine called with the 'Go To…' function in the Editor has been slightly modified to ensure that when used, the referenced line number is displayed at the top of the window.

I) 05 The IntelliSense associated with the concrete design CODE command has been updated to ensure that the full list of available codes are displayed without gaps in the list.

I) 06 The processing of errors in the Editor has been improved to ensure that once the errors have been corrected and the Editor closed and re-opened, the error list is cleared.

I) 07 The Unit Convertor and Script Editor modules have been re-structured to allow them to be localised in future.

I) 08 The Help options in the Editor have been simplified to two options, the general overall STAAD.Pro Help or help on the Editor itself.

I) 09 The Section Wizard routine that creates a report has been updated to ensure that it did not have the default document folder set to Program Files which in doing so causes the program to crash.

I) 10 The Editor has been updated to ensure that if the data file included the command "Print Story Stiffness" it does not change it to the command "Print Story Drift".


(J) OpenSTAAD (01)

J) 01 The function Geometry.GetSelectedNodeNumber has been updated to ensure that if the node numbers are changed during a session, then updated numbers are captured when a method using OpenSTAAD is rerun.


(K) Documentation and Printing (09)

K) 01 The Report> Print Preview routine has been improved to display the preview in the full space of the application rather than one of the windows and thus difficult to review.

K) 02 Hyperlinks in the help documentation have been updated for the OpenSTAAD>Programming Languages and STAAD Language Reference>Member Property Specification>Assigning Properties from Steel Tables.

K) 03 The header information in a user report has been updated to display the License sever used and CONNECTED User details

K) 04 The description for the OpenSTAAD function Support.GetSupportType has been updated with the relevant return values.

K) 05 The details of the stiffness matrix that can be output with the command SET PRINT STIFFNESS have been added to the help in section STAAD Language Reference > Set Command Specification

K) 06 Obsolete SET commands have been removed from the help documentation. A wiki page will be provided on the Bentley Communities site for reference to obsolete STAAD.Pro commands.

K) 07 The documentation for the static seismic loading to the Canadian NRC code 2005 has been updated to include details of the optional parameters CT, PX and PZ.

K) 08 Complete set of verification problems are now detailed in the Application Examples > Verification Examples section of the product help.

K) 09 Details on the tool for creating a sold entity using the Grid tool has been addded to the help in the section Getting Started> Application Window Layout> Ribbon Control Reference> Geometry Tab.


(L) Licensing / Security / Installation (09)

L) 01 The installation has been updated to ensure the registry entry that is used to associate STD files with the STAAD.Pro application is correctly formatted.

L) 02 The sample model EXAMP01 provided in the folder Public Documents>STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition> Sample Models>AUS, has been updated with a revised SGR parameter to match those currently supported by the program.

L) 03 The STAAD.Pro Advanced application has been updated to better support the use of licenses from the earlier versions of STAAD.Pro V8i.

L) 04 A side effect of cancelling the program from the initial license dialog box which caused the settings file to be removed and result in small fonts used in labels, has been addressed.

L) 05 Additional clarification has been added to the License Configuration dialog displayed at startup.

L) 06 The STAAD.Pro Trial License now provides access to Pushover and Steady State Analysis.

L) 07 The default macro set provided in the Utilities>User Tools macro are now installed to the correct location. Previously these would fail to load when clicked on.

L) 08 The installation has been updated to ensure that the folder Plugins folder is created for a user profile.

L) 09 The AISC N690:1994 code is registered as part of the STAAD Nuclear pack.


Last updated : 2017/11/10

© 2017. Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Tags: CONNECT Edition, STAAD.Pro

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