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STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Update 2, Build ( 29 May 2018)

Current Revision posted to RAM | STAAD Wiki by Carlos Aguera on 6/12/2018 12:36:20 PM

What's New in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Update 2, Build ( 29 May 2018) Issues addressed in:-

  • (A) Analysis/Design Engine (16)
  • (B) Generic GUI Updates (0)
  • (C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (01)
  • (D) Physical Modelling Workflow (0)
  • (E) Other Modelling Workflows (0)
  • (F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (0)
  • (G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (03)
  • (H) Interoperability (0)
  • (I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (0)
  • (J) OpenSTAAD (0)
  • (K) Documentation and Printing (01)
  • (L) Licensing / Security / Installation (0)

(A) Analysis/Design Engine (16)

A) 01 The output of members designed to the Canadian S16-14 code has been updated to ensure that if the governing condition is governed by the deflection checks, then the appropriate load case number is properly referenced. Previously, whilst the result was reported correctly, the load case was not correct.

A) 02 Additional clarity has been added to the detail output for the Canadian S16-09 and S16-14 design codes such that the value of beta as described in clause 13.8.2 is only reported if the section is of class 1 or 2, otherwise it is reported as N/A.

A) 03 The Canadian steel design code S16-14 has been updated to work correctly with load cases classified as serviceability/strength in an envelope definition. Previously all load cases included as strength would also be included in the deflection checks and could result in an overly conservative design.

A) 04 The concrete design to ACI 318-14 has addressed an issue where the reported shear links in a zone was reduced by one resulting in an inconsistent link spacing.

A) 05 The ACI 318-14 design has been revised to ensure that shear/torsion clauses will only be reported as the critical criteria when shear is the critical condition.

A) 06 The ACI 318-14 concrete design has been updated to perform the transverse design after determining the longitudinal bar arrangement which may result in a modification in the transverse bars which was not being accounted for.

A) 07 The CM value used in ACI 318-14 has been updated to use the method in Cl. Previously, it had used the method implemented from ACI 318-11.

A) 08 The detailed output from an ACI 318-14 concrete design has been updated to ensure that the pagination does not result in truncated data when the output file is printed.

A) 09 The design routines for the NZ 3404 have been updated for members classified as seismic category 4. Previously, any such member would be checked for a minimum web thickness of 40mm when no such check is required.

A) 10 The ACI 318-14 concrete design has been updated to correct the value of Young's modulus used for steel (Es) from 290,000 ksi to 29,000 ksi which could result in underestimated reinforcement requirements. Note that the value of Es used in the design is reported in the detailed design report.

A) 11 The format of the output of the ACI 318-14 concrete design has been restructured so that there is clarity on exactly how the bars should be laid out. Refer to the help documentation for information on the provided details for each level of output defined with the TRACK parameter.

A) 12 In an ACI 318-14 concrete design, the transverse bar detail block was not reported if only nominal shear reinforcement was required. Transverse shear reinforcement requirement are now always reported.

A) 13 The statics check details included with a load case including the Russian dynamic wind loading routine to SP 20.13330.2016 has been updated to ensure that the effect of the included modes is accounted for.

A) 14 The intermediate section forces reported on members for a load case which includes the Russian dynamic wind loading to SP 20.13330.2016 has been updated to ensure that the values include both static and dynamic components.

A) 15 The analysis of a load case with the Russian dynamic wind loading SP 20.133330.2016 has been updated when performed using the standard solver which previously did not correctly process the dynamic load vector produced during this routine.

A) 16 The analysis of models with solid entities has been updated to address a defect that caused the application to crash when analysed in earlier builds of STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition, but worked successfully in STAAD.Pro V8i.

(B) Generic GUI Updates (0)


(C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (01)

C) 01 The GUI has been updated to ensure that when creating commands and adding parameters for the ACI 318 codes, the identified version number is written to the input file and when no version is specified in the input file, that it performs to the most current version of the code, i.e. ACI 318-14.


(D) Physical Modelling Workflow (0)


(E) Other Modelling Workflows (0)


(F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (0)


(G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (03)

G) 01 The Eurocode Connection design routine has been updated to ensure the slip resistance check is performed.

G) 02 The routines in Connection Design workflow that highlight the members of a given type has been updated to prevent the application from crashing when the number of joints exceeds the number of members in the model.

G) 03 The Connection Design workflow has been updated to improve the design of basic connections which use angle profiles that previously reported as an error.

(H) Interoperability (0)


(I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (0)


(J) OpenSTAAD (0)


(K) Documentation and Printing (01)

K) 01 The documentation for the US ACI 318 concrete design has been reformatted and updated to reflect the current implementation of this code.

(L) Licensing / Security / Installation (0)


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