NOTE: It is strongly recommended that users update to the most recent version of ISM, available HERE.
ISM can now transfer, coordinate and visualize steel reinforcement in concrete structures. All of the typical reinforcement in columns, beams, footings, slabs, mats/rafts and walls can be modeled in ISM.
Reinforcement can use standard detailing parameters (for example, per ACI 318 or AS 3600) or can have custom bends and hooks defined. Bars can be epoxy coated, galvanized or plain. Post-tensioning is not included in this release.
Steel Joists
ISM can now transfer, coordinate and visualize steel joists. All of the Steel Joist Institute (SJI) standard joists (“8K1”, etc.) are supported, as well as SJI joist-girders and parametric steel joists.
Steel Deck and Composite Deck
ISM can now transfer, coordinate and visualize steel deck. Steel deck can be defined by manufacturers name (“ASC”/“2W-36”), defined parametrically, or even given custom shapes. Steel deck with concrete fill can also be modeled.
The following manufacturers are currently supported:
- ASC Profiles (formerly ASC Pacific and BHP Steel Building Products)
- Verco Manufacturing Company
More Sections and Cold-Formed Sections
ISM can now transfer, coordinate and visualize steel deck. Steel deck can be defined by manufacturers name (“ASC”/“2W-36”), defined parametrically, or even given custom shapes. Steel deck with concrete fill can also be modeled.
ISM’s section library has been vastly expanded. The following standards are now supported:
- ABNTNBR - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas
- AISC- American Institute of Steel Construction (US and metric versions)
- API - American Petroleum Institute
- AS - Standards Australia
- AS/NZS - Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand
- BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards
- BSI -British Standards Institution
- CEN - European Committee for Standardization
- CISC - Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
- DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung
- GB - Chinese National Standards ("Guobiao") (国标)
- IMCA - Instituto Mexicano de la Construcción en Acero
- JIS - Japanese Industrial Standards (日本工業規格)
- SAISC - South African Institute of Steel Construction
Shear Studs
ISM can now transfer and coordinate shear studs on steel beams.
Nodes and Boundary Conditions
New analytical information has been added to ISM 2.0. Nodes and boundary conditions can now be transferred, coordinated and visualized. It is not intended that ISM track all of the nodes in an application’s analysis model. Applications only set the “key nodes” in ISM. “Key nodes” are those that define the intent of how members are connected, but do not include nodes that are only used to subdivide a member into more refined elements.
Nodes in ISM can have boundary conditions applied. Boundary conditions can restrain six degrees of freedom, and can be fixed, spring or one-way (compression-only or tension-only).
Curved Beams
Beams and slab edges can now be curved. Only circular curves are supported, and slabs must still be planar.
Grid Systems
Orthogonal and Radial Grid Systems are now supported.