Structural Products Licensing [FAQ]
Applies To | |||
Product(s): | RAM Concept, STAAD.Pro | ||
Version(s): | V8i | ||
Environment: | N/A | ||
Area: | N/A | ||
Subarea: | N/A | ||
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group | ||
Why is RAM Concept opening in trial mode even though my licensing is current?
When RAM Concept is first installed on a computer, it contains a built-in 15-day trial period. This trial period is activated only when it fails to retrieve licenses for both RAM Concept and RAM Concept Post Tension. If your contract does not have a license for post tension (or if the post tension license is currently unavailable), the trial period will be activated to provide temporary access to the post tension features. Once the trial period has expired, the program will open without a trial period message and disable the post tension features.
When opening STAAD.Pro, why do I receive a "Valid Trial License was not found or trial license expired, entering limited mode..." message even though I have licenses?
Visit FAQ ON STAAD LICENSE - USL versus STANDARD to resolve this issue.
Why do I receive Copy Protection errors in STAAD.Pro?
STAAD.Pro must have a license for the design code(s) used in a model. The error message indicates that a license for the needed design code was not retrieved. To configure what licenses STAAD.Pro retrieves when starting, open the program, locate the License Configuration section on the opening screen, and ensure that the needed design codes have checkmarks next to them. A green light next to a checked design code indicates that a license was found.
Why does the Activation Status window in the License Management Tool indicate that my product will expire in x days even though I have a license?
The Activation Status window of the License Management Tool is useful for quickly determining the license status of Bentley products that utilize "trust licensing." Trust licensing products periodically report to the license server as they are used. Because such products must report to the server at least every 30 days, the Activation Status quickly shows how much time remains. RAM, STAAD, and AutoPIPE products, however, utiliize licenses differently. Licenses are temporarily locked to a workstation each time such a product is used. Consequently, the activation status for these products will appear as a trial period when not in use. The activation status for RAM, STAAD, and AutoPIPE products can be safely ignored. The products will display licensing errors when opened if a license-related problem exists.
If I lose my network connection, am I denied access to my programs?
Structural products must retrieve licenses from a license server each time they are opened. However, in the event that the license server cannot be reached (i.e. network outage), the licensing software installed on client machines provides a fallback mechanism for accessing products. This fallback mechanism, called the “grace period,” provides access to licensed products for up to four days. The licensing software keeps a list of which products have been accessed within the last 30 days. If a product attempts to retrieve a license but is unable to reach the server, the grace period is activated for this license if found in the list. The license can be used in the grace period for up to four days from the first unsuccessful attempt. Once a license is retrieved successfully from the server again, the timer is reset.
For example, suppose I have licenses for RAM Modeler and RAM Steel, modules for RAM Structural System. As long as I have used both of these licenses within the last 30 days, the grace period will be activated for either of these licenses in the event that I cannot reach the license server. I can use these licenses for up to four days without access to the server. Once access to the server is restored, the grace period will be reset. That way, should I lose connection to the server again in the future, I will have up to four days to use my licenses apart from a connection.
Thisissuemayindicateaninstallation-related problemwiththeBentleyIEGLicenseService,alicensingcomponentthatretrievesandreturnslicensesonbehalfofRAM,STAAD,AutoPIPE,SACS,andFormSysproducts.Fortroubleshootingpurposes,pleaseperformthefollowingsteps:
- VisittheAddorRemovePrograms(WindowsXP)orProgramsandFeatures(WindowsVista/7/8)controlpanel,andremoveanylistingsforBentleyIEGLicenseService.
- ReinstalltheBentleyIEGLicenseService.Astandalonealoneinstaller forthecomponent(namediegls02002001en.msi)islistedasadependencyformostoftheproducts.Re-runthisinstallertoreinstalltheBentleyIEGLicenseService.ForRAMStructuralSystemandSTAADproducts,theinstallerisincludedintheproductinstalleritself.Inthesecases,re-runtheproductinstallertoreinstallthecomponent.
- OpentheLicenseManagementTool.
- SelectOptionsfromtheToolsmenu.
- Togglethe"UseHTTPS(SSL)"checkbox.
- ClicktheTestConnectionbutton.
- Iftheservernameandsiteactivationkeyverify,clickOKtosavechanges.Otherwise,clicktheCancelbutton.
See Also
Structural Product TechNotes and FAQs
External Links
Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase
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