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What's New in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 6

Current Revision posted to RAM | STAAD Wiki by Carlos Aguera on 4/1/2021 12:47:04 PM
IDPublishing Notes
415986Other Post Processing Design Workflows - The display of members defined with back to back channel profiles that also have been assigned a beta angle have been updated to correctly reflect the members orientation.
416607Documentation and Printing - Two pages have been added to describe the content of the tables for solid object results, namely the Solid Centre Stress table and the Solid Corer Stress table. Note, this content was previously published in the V8i Edition documentation.
487590Analysis/Design Engine - The results of plate stresses of models which have multiple load cases analysed using the Geometric Non Linear (GNL) analysis has been updated to address the limitation that previously only the results from the last load case were reported. Now the plate results from each load case analysed with the GNL method can be reported. This issue was previously reported as a Known Issue.
487620Analysis/Design Engine - The design of columns to the IS 456 concrete design code has been updated to address an issue where multiple load cases were included in the design for a given column. The where the design for the last load case required a bar set equivalent to the previous load case, the final interaction ratio was being reported using the demand from the previous case, but the capacity from the final case. This mismatch in cases could result in an incorrect interaction ratio being reported, however the design requirements were being satisfied.
487623Analysis/Design Engine - The Australian steel design module AS 4100-1998 has been updated to correct the slenderness checks which previously only determined the axial condition based on the force at the start of the member and the last load case. Both these issues have been addressed. This was previously reported as a Known Issue.
487649Analytical Modeling Workflow - The New View routine has been updated to ensure that if the selection cursor is set to a 'Physical Member Cursor', the physical member objects selected will be added to the new view that is created.
487651Analysis/Design Engine - The end forces reported for standard load combinations which refer to other combinations but with a factor not equal to 1.0 has been corrected to ensure the including factor is applied to the results of the referred combination.
487712Other Post Processing Design Workflows - The message box that informs when a workflow has been clicked that requires analysis results which are currently not present, has been modified to allow the message to be localised.
487714Analysis/Design Engine - The Indian steel design code IS 800 LSD and WSD modules have been updated to address a data processing issue when attempting to format the output of user defined profiles which would result in a premature termination of the analysis/design.
487715Physical Modeling Workflow - The method used in the Physical Model Workflow to update old models has been improved to trap situations where there was not a direct one to one mapping from the older profile database to the current STAAD.Pro MDB format. This was resulting in the MEMBER PROPERTY block of the STD file not being completed and thus when the file re-opened would report as an error. This has now been addressed.
487716Analysis/Design Engine - The steel design routines for torsion design to AISC 360-05 and 360-10 as per DG9 have been updated to ensure that the limit state of yielding checks follows clauses 4.12 (LRFD) or 4.17 (ASD) for normal stress and likewise 4.13 (LRFD) or 4.18 (ASD) for shear stress checks.
487719Licensing / Security/ Installation - The Installation dialog has been updated to allow localised versions of the help to be displayed with a localised installation. Previously the help icon in the top right corner would not display any content with localised installations.
487738Analysis/Design Engine - The design routine to AS 4100-1998 has been updated to address an issue which failed to correctly determine the locations/values of the key moments on physical members which had three characteristics. 1) They were defined by multiple analytical segments 2) Had a node defined at 1/4, 1/2 and/or 3/4 of its length and 3) A PBRACE command specified at one or more of these three locations
487742Analysis/Design Engine - The ACI 318-11 concrete design routine that accounts for torsion has been updated such that when testing to clause 11.5.1(c), if the value inside the square root is found to be negative, then the torsion capacity will be set to zero.
487850Analytical Modeling Workflow - The procedure that is used to assign a profile from the Properties dialog box to a defined list of members has been updated to address an issue which could randomly result in the application terminating unexpectedly.
488350Generic GUI Updates - A new method has been added to provide a preview handler for STD files which have been saved from the GUI which will generate an image of the model in an associated EMF file. Thus if the EMF file exists, if a browse dialog box is set to display a preview, the model and Job information will be displayed.
488546Physical Modeling Workflow - The surface types have been extended to identify walls and slabs that are part of a concrete tank model. This data can be used in the Advanced Concrete Design module (RCDC) for the design of concrete tanks.
500452Analysis/Design Engine - The IS 800:2007 design module has been updated to now include design for the generated load cases that are created with a load combination that has the GENERATE option included when using the SRSS or ABS options.
500783OpenSTAAD - The functions provided for defining and assigning preleases to plates have been updated to allow releases to be assigned and modified.
501935Physical Modeling Workflow - The routine that processes the physical model into the analytical model (i.e. STD file) has been updated to improve the handling of closely spaced nodes which previously reported as an error in the Meshing Model stage of the process.
501980Interoperability - The import routine used to read data from an ISM repository into a physical model has been updated to capture the section properties of profiles defined as built up in the ISM repository and are introduced as User Provided Table (UPT) profiles in STAAD.Pro.
502629Interoperability - The routine used to import an ISM model into a STAAD.Pro Physical Model has been updated to trap an issue which would occur if the repository contained extremely small objects (i.e. smaller than the defined tolerance). As these objects are skipped, the associated data is now also skipped including loads and axes systems resulting in a more efficient model creation process.
503092Other Modeling Workflows - An issue has been trapped when the Building Planner Application has not been installed however the Building Planner Workflow is clicked. This would previously resulted in the application terminating.
505266Analysis/Design Engine - The design routine for CAN/CSA S16-19 has been updated to address an issue in that when the application is set to pick a profile using the SELECT command, the warping constant Cw was being modified. Additionally the Net Section Factor (NSF) which is used to reduce the cross section area for tensile checks is now being included in the design.
506489Analysis/Design Engine - The design routine for IS800:2007 has been updated to address an issue in that when the application is set to pick a profile using the SELECT command, the warping constant Cw was being modified.
507186Analysis/Design Engine - The cold formed steel design module to AISI 2016 has been extended to support the design a number of additional section profiles that have lips along the edges of the profile, namely angles, channels and zee profiles. Additionally double channels are also now supported both in a back to back or front to front arrangement.
507187Analysis/Design Engine - The triangular and quadrilateral plate finite element capabilities have been extended to support the assignment of offsets at the corners to allow the plate to account for its relative location that is away from the nodes that define its position. Offsets can be assigned individually at each node (JT1 to JT4) or collectively perpendicular to the plane of the plate using a ZOFF parameter. Note that at this time this capability is restricted to a first order static elastic analysis. Additionally when offsetting the nodes of quadrilateral plates, it is important to ensure that the plane of the plate remains planer.
507188Analysis/Design Engine - The Indian steel design module IS 800:2007 LSD and WSD versions have been extended to support the design of solid round sections which have been defined in the database or as a prismatic round profile (i.e. YD only).
510695Analysis/Design Engine - The modification introduced in STAAD.Pro CE V22 U5, reported as A) 41 The processing of members specified as TRUSS in combinations where one of the load cases has been specified with seismic loading has been updated to ensure that the intermediate member values are correctly reported. Has been retracted as the change has been shown to be invalid.
511464Documentation and Printing - An additional 30 verification samples have been included for AISC 360-05.
511950Documentation and Printing - 4 new verification examples added for designs to the Indian IS 456 and IS 13920 design codes.
512643Interoperability - The ISM interop using Structlink in the Analytical Workflow has been updated to perform a test on members that have been defined as prismatic, but without any cross section dimensions. i.e. only a cross sectional area. These profiles are now set as square profiles of equal sides that would produce the specified area. Previously these sections would result in an error being reported.
512645Interoperability - The method used by the StructlInk module used to coordinate the material data in an ISM module for analytical model interoperability has been updated to provide better round-tripping.
512653Interoperability - The StuctLink module has been updated to catch data that would result in generating zero length members when importing data in the analytical model from an ISM repository.
513156Interoperability - The routines that manages the import of 3D DXF, and QSE models has been modified to ensure that the data is opened into the current application rather than creating a second instance.
515357Documentation and Printing - The illustration in the user documentation section G.5.1 Plate and Shell Elements for 'Sign convention for plate bending' has been modified to better illustrate the direction of moment applied along the edges of a quadrilateral plate perpendicular to the local Y axis that would result in tension on the top surface of a plate.
515693Analysis/Design Engine - The design of members defined as TRUSS (including TENSION ONLY or COMPRESSION ONLY) to the New Zealand NZS3404 code has been updated to address an issue which did not account for the number of results sets that are available on such members. Generally members have results at 13 sections including the start and end, whereas these only have results at the start and end due to the limited attributes associated with them.
516646Licensing/ Security / Installation - STAAD.Pro has been updated to operate with the latest Connection Client V11.00
516688Documentation and Printing - Two additional versification examples have been added for IS 801
516943Documentation and Printing - New example verification files have been added for wind loading to ASCE 7-02 and ASCE 7-10
518069Analysis/Design Engine - The AISC 360-16 design of double angle sections defined in a User Provided Table (UPT) has been updated which was causing the analysis engine to crash.
519640Physical Modeling Workflow - The default values of FY and FU for a custom material have been updated to be more consistent with a real word material akin to 36 KSI (English units) or 250 N/mm2 (metric units)
521109Documentation and Printing - 8 new verification examples have been added for the Russian steel design to SP16.13330.2017 Documentation and Printing - 3 additional verification examples have been included for the Russian steel design to SP16.13330.2017
524673Analysis/Design Engine - A memory allocation issue has been addressed in models which have more members than nodes and use a self weight load in a reference load case. Previously if this combination of situations was encountered, the analysis would crash.
526355Licensing / Security/ Installation - The Chinese localised installation has been prepared for a coordinated release with the English release.
526361Interoperability - This release of STAAD.Pro is compatible with ProjectWise
526364Licensing / Security/ Installation - The system used to trap any unexpected crash whilst using STAAD.Pro has been updated to better catch these events and allow the usage logs to be sent to Bentley to assist in determining the cause and allow for the underlying issues to be corrected.
526365Documentation and Printing - 3 additional AISI 2016 verification examples have been added.
528376Analytical Modeling Workflow - The Chinese static seismic load generator to GB 50011-2001 has been updated to remove an unused factor vertical influence coefficient which is now internally calculated.
528403Analytical Modeling Workflow - The Chinese static seismic load generator to GB 50011-2001 has been updated with an additional new additional parameter to define the gravity factor.
528409Analytical Modeling Workflow - The rules used in the Automatic Load Combination Generation tool has been updated for the GB5000-2012 design code, ULS-non seismic rule set. The factor for load cases classified as DUST has been modified to 1.26.
530329Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design for channel sections has been updated to address an error in calculating the section modulus about the minor axis resulting in an incorrect evaluation of the flexural capacity for local buckling.
531398Physical Modeling Workflow - The rendering options that allow a model to be coloured according to a variety of options has been updated to address an issue which would on occasion cause the application to crash due to referring to a null pointer.
531919Analytical Modeling Workflow - The Steel Design dialog has been updated to provide a clearer guidance note for the use of the parameter ALPHA used in the IS 800:2007 LSD and WSD design codes.
532658Analytical Modeling Workflow - The rules used in the Automatic Load Combination Generation tool has been updated for the AISC 360 210 Public rule set. This addresses an issue where rules 16 and 17 would reference incorrect load categories.
532805Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design routine for channel sections has been updated to correct the internal processing of section forces used to calculate the value of Cb and ultimately the lateral torsional buckling capacity.
532809Other Post Processing Design Workflows - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to operate with the components from RAM Connection v13.4 which most notably provides enhancements to the gusset templates used with AISC design codes
532828Other Post Processing Design Workflows - The Steel AutoDrafting workflow has been updated in the way it processes a profile defined in a User Provided Table (UPT) of type ISECTION. Typically these sections are intended to represent a tapered profile and described as such when displayed. Now, if the web does not taper, then the profile will not be labelled as a taper section.
533478Other Modeling Workflows - The bridge deck loading module STAAD.Beava has been removed from the primary interface.
533716Analysis/Design Engine - The static seismic load generator to the Chinese GB 50011-2001 standard has been updated to correct the calculation for the response in the range of 0.1 to Tg to ensure that the factor Eta2 is applied to alpha max.
534400Generic GUI Updates - The processing of application resources such as the the localised text in message boxes has been updated to address an issue which was causing a memory leak.
535222Analysis/Design Engine - The default values for steel yield strength and ultimate strength used in the Indian steel design to IS 800:2007 LSD and WSD is now taken from the assigned material if it includes values of FY and FU.
536014Documentation and Printing - An additional verification example has been added for EN1993-1-1 with the Polish NA.
536018Documentation and Printing - Two additional verification examples have been added to the AISC 360 design code Documentation and Printing - One additional verification example has been added to the AISC 360-16 design code
538830Analysis/Design Engine - The method used to determine the warping constant of a profile has been updated to reduce a tolerance threshold which would recalculate a provided value if it was less than 0.001in^6. The threshold has been revised to be 0.001^6 in^6
538837Analysis/Design Engine - A new design parameter SLF, has been added to the Canadian steel design codes, CSA S16-09 and 2014. This allows specification of the shear lag factor.
539769Analysis/Design Engine - The concrete design module IS 456:20000 has been updated to address an issue when the METHOD parameter is assigned to members that are designed as columns. This was resulting in a warning message being reported in the design as the value was being used as the CLB value.
543165Analysis/Design Engine - The Cloud Analysis has been updated to include the V22 Update 6 engine as an option in the Scenario Services solution.
543632Physical Modeling Workflow - The routine that marks a model as open and should be removed when the model is closed was not getting called when Physical Models were being created. This resulted in a warning being displayed when the model was next opened. This situation is now been caught and the warning only gets displayed if the STAAD model was not closed properly.
545655Analysis/Design Engine - The AIJ 2002 and 2005 Japanese steel design routines have been updated to correct the values of My and Lc reported in the output for the design of channel profiles. Note that this issue did not affect the member design.
545710Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design routine has been updated for angle profiles which was previously always using the section modulus about the principal axes even when the option to use geometric axes was set.
546700Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design routine has been updated to calculate the unstiffened and unstiffened shear capacity separately, If the web is unstiffened , i.e. TSA 0 specified, then the report does not report 'Shear-Reinf Web' capacity. If the web is stiffened, i.e TSA 1 and the distance between stiffeners is specified in the STIFF parameter, then the calculation to determine the capacity has been corrected.
546706OpenSTAAD - A new function has been provided, GetCountofSectionPropertyValuesEx, to obtain the number of different section property values that are returned for a given section.
547190Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design module has been updated to include an additional local buckling capacity at yield stress capacity which is used in the shear-bending and bending-crippling interaction checks.
547356Analysis/Design Engine - The output for the Japanese AIJ steel design codes has been updated such that the report of the width to thickness ratio identifies the load case using its id rather than the index.
547383Analysis/Design Engine - The cold formed steel design to IS 801 has been updated to correct the calculation of compression capacity where multiple members are checked together as a batch. This was the result of an incorrect calculation of the Z0 value not being reset on the second and subsequent members.
547452Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design has been updated to identify when the model has been defined using a SET Z UP definition which is outside the scope of the design. Previously this would cause the design to terminate with a Exception [Access violation] Raised.
547558Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design report has been updated to ensure that the values of Ry and Rz account for the current unit system. Note that this issue did not affect the calculations.
547591Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design routine has been updated to address a significant issue which caused the forces along the member used in the design to be incorrectly processed.
547643Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design has been updated to catch the design of members subjected to loads generated by a load combination defined with an ABS or SRSS method and GENERATE option. This is outside the scope of the AISI design. Now the first of the combination cases will be designed for, previously this would cause the analysis to crash.
548788Analysis/Design Engine - The processing of the AISI 2016 design parameters has been updated to ensure that if values are defined outside their valid range, then they will be reset to the published default and a waring reported in the output file.
548848Analytical Modeling Workflow - The guidance note for the AISI 2016 DFF parameter in the Design dialog has been modified to correctly confirm the action taken when the option DFF 0 is specified.
549305Other Post Processing Design Workflows - The routine that identifies potential beam-brace joints 'Select Joint>Select all beam-brace joints' has been updated to better identify joints which would be potential as Beam-Brace joints.
549882Analysis/Design Engine - The AISI 2016 cold formed steel design routine has been updated to ensure that the shear buckling coefficient (Kv) defined in 5.34 for unreinforced sections was not being calculated according to G.2.3 for reinforced sections in that the incorrect Kv-Vn equations were being used.
552685Physical Workflow - A new tool has been added in the Physical Workflow to parametrically define physical models using a configurable script and template. This release includes a template to define multi chamber tanks which can be preloaded with various conditions such as fluid and roof slab loading. and include roof support beams. Foundations can also be included as a mat or piled base.
552961OtherPost Processing Design Workflows - The Chinese steel design workflow has been updated to improve the performance of code checks when processing the load cases used in the design when all load cases have been included.
553047The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules - The routine used to select members in the Chinese steel Design application (SSDD) has been updated to address an issue which prevented the action to 'Display Selected' and 'Remove Selected' members from being activated. Note that this issue was not present in the Chinese Steel Design Module that was introduced in STAAD.Pro CE V22 Update 5, only in the standalone application.
553696Analysis/Design Engine - A new seismic load generator has been added to the program that can calculate the applied equivalent static loading as a result of a seismic event as defined in the 2010 edition of the Chinese GB50011 publication.
553732Physical Modeling - The iTwin Services functionality added in STAAD.Pro V22 Update 5 has been extended to include provision of synchronization with both a local ISM repository (replacing the previous methods) as well as adding cloud based iModelHub interop capabilities.
554698Physical Modeling Workflow - This has been extended to now include the specification of the analysis method that is to be utilised with the analytical model created from the physical model.
554699Physical Modeling Workflow - Two new spreadsheets have been added that allow the specification of the connectivity on the boundary edges of surfaces and/or the boundary nodes. This results in the creation and assignment of plate releases on the analytical model.
554700Generic GUI Updates - In order to allow STAAD users to register suggestions for enhancements in STAAD.Pro a new service has been added in Bentley Communities, STAAD - RAM | STAAD | OpenTower - Bentley Communities. A link to this service has been added in the main STAAD.Pro Backstage under the Help section.
554703Interoperability - The ISM interop routines have been updated to support repositories created using ISM 8.1.
555228Physical Modeling Workflow - A new routine has been added to showcase the most recent developments in the Physical Workflow that have been introduced in the latest update. When the application is launched, these items are highlighted in turn and can be disabled for future sessions.
555914Documentation and Printing - The verification example 'ASCE 7-10 Wind Load Generation' has been updated to correct the values reported for loading at node #6.
561558Interoperability - The SPC component incorporated has been updated to 64 bit.
562612Physical Modeling Workflow - The creation of an analytical mesh has been improved to better catch member ends that are defined away from the plane of a surface which is meshed, but connects by virtue of the given tolerance.
571070Interoperability - The mapping of STAAD.Pro profiles in Structlink with the ISM profiles defined in SPC has been updated to provide better interop with American HSS section profiles which previously would have reported an exception for each of these profiles.

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