Limcon users: Transition to RAM Connection As of July 1, 2019, in accordance with the Bentley Desktop Software Support Policy, V8i versions of Bentley software will enter an Expiring Support phase. This will include the most recent version of Limcon, as it is a V8i, not a CONNECT Edition, application. As a result, on July 15, 2019, we will begin migrating all Limcon users to the RAM Connection application. RAM Connection, like Limcon, is a desktop application specializing in the design and optimization of structural steel connections, with support for AISC, EN, BS, IS, GB, AS, and NZ standards. RAM Connection offers key advantages over Limcon. Please refer to this detailed comparison between Limcon and RAM Connection for more information. What you should expect:
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Bentley retiring Limcon?
Limcon has very similar capabilities to RAM Connection, which is trusted and used globally. RAM Connection has a superior graphic interface, reporting, better integration with other applications, and an overall superior user experience.
How long will I have access to Limcon?
We plan to allow access to Limcon for a reasonably sufficient time to facilitate a successful transition to RAM Connection. However, there will no longer be any updates to Limcon. RAM Connection will be the only product of the two actively developed.
What happens to any Limcon design code licenses I owned?
Users now have access to all design codes in Limcon without a separate license required. The design codes licenses have been removed from your contract and you will no longer pay SELECT or Term License fees for Limcon design codes.
I currently have five Limcon licenses covered by SELECT and own no RAM Connection licenses. What happens if I continue to use only Limcon?
Starting with your next SELECT renewal date, you will pay SELECT on five seats of RAM Connection instead of five seats of Limcon. Any Term License charges you incur will be for RAM Connection instead of Limcon, even if overuse was on Limcon. Note that you may use five licenses of RAM Connection and five licenses of Limcon at the same time without incurring a term license charge since the RAM Connection licenses you now own entitle you to both RAM Connection and Limcon.
Where can I learn more about RAM Connection?
- Product Webpage
- Product Datasheet
- Limcon vs RAM Connection Comparison
- OnDemand Webinar on Structural Steel Connection Design
- Learning Path for RAM Connection - Get Started!
Will my data be preserved? Can I import my Limcon files into RAM Connection?
RAM Connection v13.3 is able to import Limcon files (*.lmc) and convert them to *.rcnx.
What are the hardware requirements for RAM Connection?
Processor: 1.3 GHz or faster processor (x64)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
RAM: 2 GB minimum, 4 GB recommended
Hard Disk: 675 MB free disk space for installation; 2 GB available for analyzing models
Display: Open GL compatible graphics card with at least 512 MB in video memory. 1024x768 minimum screen resolution
What should I do if I have additional questions on RAM Connection, training, and migration plans?
Contact your Bentley sales representative.
What should I do if I have additional questions on my license renewals?
Please contact your subscription renewals representative.