Scenario page displays the scenarios under the current Solution. There are two tabs in this page – Scenarios and Files. Files tab allows the user to download files created as a result of running Scenarios on the cloud. All other functionalities such as creation of a scenario, running a scenario, comparing selected scenarios etc. are offered under the Scenarios tab. We shall also refer to this tab as Scenario List.
Users are directed to Scenarios page when they click on a Solution from the Recent Solution dashboard or from the Active Solution list.
The users see a blank Scenarios page when a Solution has just been created but no scenario has been added.
For existing Solutions which already have one or more Scenarios added, the dashboard shows the list of Scenarios with checkbox for selection. By clicking on any of them, user can view the detail Result page for that Scenario.
User can change the Indicator settings by clicking on the settings icon
Scenario tab functionalities:
Following functionalities are offered in Scenarios tab. These functionalities are described in details in subsequent sections as noted.
Pin Solution : The current Solution can be pinned from this page by clicking on the Click to Pin icon. Note that this icon is not used to pin a Scenario and hence there is no effect of pinning on Scenario list.
Create New Scenario: Allows user to create new Scenario(s).
View Summary Result: Displays selected single –value Performance Indicators for all scenarios that have been completed in this solution.
Compare scenarios: Compare relative performances of two or more scenarios using Performance Indicators selected while creating this Solution.
Run: Execute (or run) selected Scenarios.
Stop execution: Stop execution of a running scenario.
Delete Scenario: Delete a scenario.
Search: Search scenarios by entering partial Scenario names
- Using Column headers: Sort, filter and show/hide columns of the Scenario List.
Scenario List shows scenarios in the current Solution along with some basic information and the status of each Scenario. Status is refreshed every few seconds and a counter shows the seconds remaining for the next refresh. The Status message can be one of the following:
Pending – Scenario was not executed
Queued – Scenario execution was requested but it has not been taken up. Typically a Scenario will be stuck in this stage if a new cluster is being provisioned or the current cluster is overloaded.
Processing – Scenario is currently running
Successful – Scenario has been successfully executed
Failed – Scenario run has failed.
- Cancelled– Scenario has been cancelled at user’s request
- Cancelling – A Stop scenario request has been sent but the scenario has not been cancelled yet.
Depending on how many distinct tasks are included in the Scenario, a progress bar may appear in the Status column. This displays the progress in terms of Task completed vs Total Tasks for the Scenario. If the Scenario just contains one Task, the progress bar is not shown.
Elapsed Time shows the elapsed duration for which the Scenario ran (or is running).
Compute Time indicates the cumulative computational time used by the Scenario run. When the Scenario runs using only one Compute Node, Compute Time should be very close to Elapsed time (a few seconds less). However, if the Scenario is using parallel processing, Compute Time may be several times more than Elapsed time, depending on how long the jobs ran in parallel.
Create/Edit scenario(s):
User can click on the button to create a new scenario under the selected Solution.
User must specify a Scenario Name that is unique for this Solution. For each Scenario, user must upload necessary files to cloud storage and provide other (textual) inputs. The Solution Template determines which type of files or inputs are needed to run this specific type of problem. Note that files can also be selected from existing storage on the cloud.
If the user enters a Scenario name that already exists for this Solution, an error is generated.
Error messages are also generated if the user enters a value more than the allowable limit of Scenario Name or Scenario Description.
The Upload section is used for uploading files from user’s local machine to cloud storage or for selecting files already existing on cloud storage. Note that in either case, a separate copy of the file is created for this specific scenario.
Upload From Storage
Upload From Storage option allows the user to use a file from cloud storage. Typically, this will be a file that has been used in another Solution. A list of Solutions appear on the left side of the pane and files are listed on the right side in Scenario Name\File Name format. Note that only the files with designated extensions are displayed. The file is physically copied to the new Scenario being created, leaving the source file intact.
Upload From Local
While uploading files from the local machine, a progress bar is displayed until the file uploading is complete. After successful upload, the file name shows up in the Browse for files area.
Note that only the files with designated extensions can be uploaded. If attempt is made to upload other type of file(s), an error message is displayed.
Note that there may be multiple Input files needed for a specific template. In that case, multiple prompts will be presented to the user.
User must specify or upload the mandatory files needed to run a Scenario. Otherwise, an error appears showing that the Scenario cannot be created.
Before creating the scenario, the user can choose to delete the uploaded file by clicking on the delete icon on the right side of the uploaded file name. The icon shows up when the user hovers over the file name edit box. After confirming for file deletion, user should select another file to be used for this Scenario.
User may run the scenario immediately on submission by clicking on Run Scenario on Submission check box:
User must select the type of cluster to run this Scenario. Default Clusters are readily available, small sized clusters but these are shared by every user of Scenario Services. Small, Medium and Large clusters are dedicated for this specific job – but these take time to be provisioned. If the user does not select a cluster to run the Scenario immediately, it will show up with a Pending status in the Scenario List.
After successful creation of a new Scenario, it will show up on the Scenario List.
Edit Scenario:
Users may edit Scenario name or file(s). In the Scenario List page, select the Scenario to be edited and click on Edit Scenario icon from top.
Note that both Scenario name and file(s) may be changed.
Editing a Scenario causes all the files produced by the previous scenario to be deleted. Effectively, the old scenario gets deleted and new one is created. No result from the precious scenario is retained.
User may decide to run the edited Scenario as soon as it is created, or run it later from the Scenario list page.
Delete Scenario:
Existing Scenarios can be permanently deleted by selecting the Scenarios and clicking on the Delete icon . Only one Scenario may be deleted at a time. If more than one Scenario is selected for deletion, the following error is shown:
Please select only one Scenario
If not Scenario is selected, an error message is displayed as well.
User must confirm that this Scenario needs to be deleted, as there is no way to retrieve the Scenario after it is deleted. A Warning message is shown.
The user may Cancel the deletion at this point or click Continue to delete the selected Scenario.
Individual Scenario Details:
Users may click on a Scenario in the Scenario List page to view all indicators produced for that scenario in one page.
Clicking on Detail Data link shows the same chart(s) with tables as described under Detailed Scenario Comparison Data.