RAM Connection CONNECT Edition Update 2(v13.2.0) Release Notes – Updated October 2019
1. New CSA S16-14 Canadian steel design standard for connections design.
This release includes the next shear and moment connections.
CSA S16 – Shear Connections:
- Web side plate
- Flexible end plate
- Double angle web cleats
- Bolted cover web splice plate
- Bolted / welded seat
CSA S16 – Moment Connections:
- Base plate
- Flange plate
- Bolted end plate
- Bolted end plate splice
- Bolted cover flange splice
- Welded beam to column
a. Single plate b. Bolted end plate c. Base plate
2. New NZS3404-1997 bracing connections for column - beam - brace joints.
3. New Subscription Entitlement Service. SES is a free service, featuring new behavior to enhance your organization’s user administration and security with mandatory user sign-in via CONNECTION Client to access the application. Please click here for more info.
Resolved Issues:
- AISC 360 gusset base plate had some incorrect orientation relative to braces. This was corrected and now columns show correct orientation for all cases.
- AISC 360 tapered beam members were showing an error when a Tee section was selected for haunch. This was fixed and now all I and Tee sections can be defined as haunch.
- Plate detailing info was missing for splice packing plates. Now both the DXF and the parts report show the packing plates information correctly.
- AISC 360 directly welded connections did not calculate the web panel shear correctly for SMF framing system. This is fixed now and the panel shear is calculated correctly for all framing systems.
- AISC 360 HSS truss connections were not calculating correctly the local yielding for branches with rotated sections. This was corrected and now all limit states are calculated properly regardless the members orientation.