(Coming Soon)
Structural Enterprise Hub displaces its predecessor (Structural Enterprise Setup Wizard) as THEpreferred method for getting and consuming Structural Enterprise.
In this first CONNECT Edition and SES (Subscription Entitlement Service) release of Structural Enterprise Hub, we have implemented the below features.
Subscription Entitlement Service
This product version utilizes Subscription Entitlement Service, which is not supported by SELECT activation key(s). SES is a free service, featuring new behavior to enhance your organization’s user administration and security with mandatory user sign-in via CONNECTION Client to access the application. If you are already signed in to the CONNECTION Client, you have met this prerequisite. If you have not, please refer to the Administrator's Resource Center and/or contact your administrator for assistance in the registration and sign-in process.
New UI
New Workflows
Install SEL Products:
LaunchSEL Products directly from Structural Enterprise Hub:
Access Structural Enterprise Hub from Windows System Tray and to quickly launch products (right mouse click, context menu):