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What's New in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Update 3, Build ( 26 September 2018)

Current Revision posted to RAM | STAAD Wiki by Carlos Aguera on 10/2/2018 10:59:19 AM

What's New in STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Update 3, Build ( 26 September 2018)

Issues addressed in:-

  • (A) Analysis/Design Engine (66)
  • (B) Generic GUI Updates (23)
  • (C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (39)
  • (D) Physical Modelling Workflow (25)
  • (E) Other Modelling Workflows (01)
  • (F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (17)
  • (G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (13)
  • (H) Interoperability (05)
  • (I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (01)
  • (J) OpenSTAAD (03)
  • (K) Documentation and Printing (12)
  • (L) Licensing / Security / Installation (11)

(A) Analysis/Design Engine (66)

Sec Documentation A) 01 The AISC ASD design of wide flanged beams specified with a tapered web has been updated to improve the calculation of the allowable shear stress when using a STIFF parameter setting the distance between the stiffeners as the full member length. Previously this could be underestimated making this a conservative member design.

A) 02 The Direct Analysis method has been improved by removing the Notional Load setting from the definition as this was purely used to indicate that there should be iterations on determining the Tau-b value on members. Thus a single optional setting has been added to the PERFORM DIRECT ANALYSIS command, TBITER, which provides that as a single setting for the model.

A) 03 The analysis of models with releases specified on both analytical members and physical members was not handled correctly if the file defined the releases on the physical members after the analytical releases as the latter would over-right the former. This is not a problem if only analytical or only physical releases were defined in the model. This issue has been addressed.

A) 04 Pushover analysis is a feature available only with a STAAD.Pro Advanced license. If an analysis run is performed requesting Pushover analysis without using STAAD.Pro Advanced, a notification message clarifying this is displayed which has been made clearer.

A) 05 The design of HSS sections to AISC 360-05/10/16 have been updated to better support high strength tubes where the design thickness does not need to be reduced by 7%, which is required for tubes not constructed from A1085 steel. New tables of HSS sections have also been added.

A) 06 The design of steel sections to the Eurocode EN1993-1-1 with National Annex from Netherlands has been updated to ensure that when using the bi-axial bending check, equation 11.3-31, the reduced moment capacity about the Y axis was being assigned an incorrectly using the Mz capacity.

A) 07 Design of concrete beams to IS 456 have been modified to account for the maximum allowable spacing for non standard values of FY. Previously the required spacing was set to 25mm for any value of FY other than 250, 415 or 500 N/mm2

A) 08 The steel design to EN 1993-1-1 has been updated to better handle when the group of members being designed includes multiple RHS profiles that have slender classifications. Previously the second and subsequent profiles may not have used the correct effective section properties as required by the code.

A) 09 The Indian concrete design routines have been updated to now include support for the IS 13920-2016 code. This includes allowing for the detailing requirements of clause 6.1.4.

A) 10 The routines for specifying both equivalent static and response spectrum to the Indian code IS 1893 have been updated to include the option for following defining loads according to the 2016 version of the code.

A) 11 The steel design routines for the AIJ 2002 and 2005 codes have been re-architected to allow the designs to support the use of ENVELOPES, including strength, serviceability and temporary. This has resulted in a new and more comprehensive output reports.

A) 12 The routine to design circular hollow sections to the European steel code EN1993-1-1 have been updated to ensure that standard profiles defined as CHS can be SELECTED in the same way as profiles defined as PIPE.

A) 13 The output of designs to AIJ 2002 and 2005 include a unit reference of MM which should have read as CM. However with the re-architecture of these codes as listed in A) 11 above, the output has been completely re-formated to address this issue.

A) 14 The IS800:2007 steel design routine for checking wide flange profiles that had both top and bottom cover plates of differing dimensions has been corrected to ensure that the properties were calculated using the dimensions of the flanges as appropriate. Previously, the dimension of the top flange would be used for both top and bottom flanges.

A) 15 The Eurocode steel design routine, EN 1993-1-1, has been updated to ensure that if an angle profile is specified in a star arrangement (i.e. SA), then it is excluded from the design routines at this time as it is currently not a supported arrangement.

A) 16 The routines for specifying both equivalent static and response spectrum to the US IBC -ASCE 07)have been updated to include the option for following defining loads according to the 2015 version of the IBC code.

A) 17 The AISC 360-10 design routine has been updated to improve the determination of web slenderness of wide flange sections. It was using the overall depth of the section where as it should be using the less onerous depth between fillets.

A) 18 The cold formed steel design code AISI has been updated to address an issue introduced in the initial STAAD.Pro CONENCT Edition intended to extend the range of sections supported by the code. Laterally unsupported members should have the effective section properties determined by clause, but instead, the effective properties used the provided yield strength Fy.

A) 19 AISC 360-16 steel design has been updated to support torsion design of wide flange sections with cover plates to Design Guide 9.

A) 20 The AISC 360-10 design for wide flange beams with cover plates has been extended to include clause F4-2 (i) and (ii) Pg. 16.1-51. This check was previously missing.

A) 21 The ACI 318-14 concrete design routines have been updated to now support generating the output in metric units.

A) 22 Indian steel design routine IS801 has been withdrawn form this version of STAAD.Pro.

A) 23 The AISC 360-16 design routine has been updated to support the metric units KG, DMS, KMS, MTON, as previously these would have generated non-sensible output.

A) 24 The output of a design to AISC 360-16 using MEMBER SELECT, although correctly reported in the output file, was not being reported in the GUI or member query. These now report the final design from the SELECT operation.

A) 25 The output of a design to NZ 3404-1997 using MEMBER SELECT, although correctly reported in the output file, was not being reported in the GUI or member query. These now report the final design from the SELECT operation.

A) 26 The AISC 360 design routines have been updated to ensure that designs of wide flange sections defined with tapered webs do not impact the design of subsequent non-tapered sections.

A) 27 The Buckling Analysis in Advanced Analysis solution has been updated to handle the situation where a member is specified with restraints at both ends that prevent overall buckling irrespective of loading. Note that if there is concern of potential bucking between restraint points, then there should be one or more node points to allow for the anticipated buckling mode.

A) 28 The AISC 360-16 output report has been updated to ensure the slenderness limit is appropriate to the sign of the axial load of the governing case. This did not affect the design itself, just the output reported.

A) 29 The AISC 360-10 design output has been updated to ensure that the value of the effective length factor KZ and KY is the value used in the design. Previously, when the value of slenderness was not directly calculated as KL/R, but instead determined from clauses such as E5 for angles, an equivalent value of K was reported.

A) 30 The analysis engine has been modified to reduce license calls to improve the performance of the analysis start process.

A) 31 The Canadian steel designs to S16 2009 and 2014 have been updated to better handle models that have been specified with the SET Z UP option. To ensure that the correct member bending capacities are used.

A) 32 The AISC 360-16 steel design routines implemented for use with MEMBER SELECT have been updated to support members that fail due to slenderness do not end up as the final profile.

A) 33 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if a temperature load defined with a STRAINRATE is saved, the parameter is not changed to a STRAIN option.

A) 34 The analysis engine has been updated to support long material names which was previously limited to 36 characters.

A) 35 The Steady State analysis routine available in STAAD.Pro Advanced has been updated to address an issue with the AMPLITUDE method in the harmonic force loading using the parameters A, B and C (rather than rather than defining the frequency amplitude pairs). This method internally creates frequency-amplitude pairs, but did not provide sufficient space to use them correctly and could result in the application crashing.

A) 36 "The design of pipe and tube sections to AISC 360-05/10 have been updated to account for a required lower thickness value to be used for design of pipes/tubes. This reduction was included in the defined properties of US HSS sections, however, not so in tubular sections from other sources. Hence the following profiles are now being considered for the design thickness reduction as per sec.B4.2 with the parameter WTYP 0:- Pipe or tubes from any country database or UPT. Double channel face-to-face welded or pretension bolts (SNU 0) and zero spacing.

A) 37 The Direct Analysis routines have been enhanced to add additional information into the output file if during the analysis any of the the P-Delta iterations start to to diverge. This warns that the applied loading is exceeding the buckling load and whilst results may be obtained, this divergence may indicate that the results may be inaccurate.

A) 38 The processing of the option SET WARP provided to allow wide flange section members end warping restraints to be considered in the calculation of torsional stiffness rigidity, has been updated to address an issue which occurs where models are disjointed (i.e. two or more separate structures defined in the same model), the torsional rigidity would not be correctly calculated.

A) 39 The Mexican LRFD steel design module has been updated for the design of angle profiles to ensure that the method of MEMBER SELECT correctly addresses the section slenderness requirements which was causing the design to fail to select a suitable profile.

A) 40 The Indian cold formed steel design module has been withdrawn from this version of STAAD.Pro.

A) 41 The AISC 360-16 steel design routine for designing wide flange sections with cover plates has been updated to ensure that members with cover plates on just one side would not check the opposite flange as also having a cover plate, but of a tiny dimension. Previously this would have resulted in the flange without a cover plate being classed as slender.

A) 42 Currently the ACI 318-14 does not support design of plate elements. However, the previous releases would perform a design, but following the requirements of ACI 318-11. Now a warning is reported clarifying that this design option is currently not supported.

A) 43 The analysis engine has been modified to handle large models with dynamic analysis that generate large numbers of modes which previously exceeded the capacity of STAAD.Pro and resulted in a failure of the analysis.

A) 44 The IS800:2007 steel design modules for both LSD and WSD have been updated to allow the specification of LOAD ENVELOPE command to include envelopes of both Strength and Serviceability types.

A) 45 The IS456 Indian concrete design module has been updated to include two new parameters to define the cover to the main reinforcement, CLT for the clear cover to the stirrup over the top reinforcement and CLB for the clear cover to the stirrup below the bottom reinforcement. Additionally the default value of CLEAR has been modified to 30mm for beams, but remains as 40mm for columns.

A) 46 When designing steel wide flange shaped members to any code with any cover plates, the centre of gravity was not being calculated correctly (inaccurate by up to 2.5%)

A) 47 The analysis engine has been updated to handle models which have the Russian dynamic wind loading and a load case with a response spectrum load which previously would cause the analysis to fail.

A) 48 The IS456 Indian concrete design module has been updated to improve the determination of the section neutral axis for a given bar arrangement using a Newton Raphson algorithim which in some situations was previously failing to converge and failing the member design.

A) 49 A model which contains standard rolled hollow sections followed by UPT hollow sections, would fail to calculate the torsional constant 'C' for the UPT hollow sections. This situation has been addressed and the value of 'C' is calculated for all hollow sections.

A) 50 The AIJ steel design modules have been updated to include a test on the limit of b/t as specified in chapter 8.

A) 51 The AIJ steel design modules have been updated to determine the shear area of Tee sections to be, z-z axis = (2/3)* Bf * Tf, and y-y axis S.A =(2/3)* D * Tw.

A) 52 The AIJ steel design modules have been updated such that the shear area of circular hollow sections is now taken to be 0.5 * gross section area.

A) 53 The AIJ steel design modules have been updated such that wide flange sections with unequal flanges, will use a value of warping constant, 'Cw', as calculated from the formula published in Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strains, 6th edition, table 21, section 7.

A) 54 The AIJ steel design modules have been updated such that the parameter MAIN, which determines the compression slenderness check requirements, has been modified so that the value provided will determine the compression slenderness limit (similar to the TMAIN parameter). The default value of 200 will be used if not specified.

A) 55 The AIJ steel design module has been updated to report that wide flange sections that have additional cover plates are not currently supported.

A) 56 The AIJ steel design modules have been updated for design of double angle sections back-back where the major axis is parallel to the back to back legs (i.e. Y axis), then the allowable stress is determined to be 'ft', then allowable tensile stress. Where the major axis is perpendicular to the back-back legs (Z axis), then the allowable stress is determined from equations 5.7 and 5.8.

A) 57 The AIJ 2002 steel design module has been updated ensure that when calculating the allowable bending stresses for Tee sections or double angles, the direction of bending is checked such that if the flange is in compression a larger allowable bending stress is calculated, but if the web is in compression, a lower limit is calculated.

A) 58 The AIJ steel design modules have been modified such that the default check for VON MISES is now included unless turned off with the MISES parameter.

A) 59 The AIJ steel design module has been updated to ensure that when determining the bending stresses of unsymmetrical sections such as tee and and channel members, the appropriate section modulus is used for the direction of bending.

A) 60 The processing of a file that contains two analysis instructions separated with a CHANGE command but no change to the model or new load data has been updated and ensures that the results are retained. Note however, that if a load case includes an eigen solution, no recalculation of the eigen solution will be performed.

A) 61 The analysis has been updated to handle a situation that may arise in very large finite element models where the required memory for reporting the element stresses exceeds the available and should terminate the analysis. Previously, the analysis would continue and result in the analysis crashing.

A) 62 The output for concrete design to ACI 318-14 has been updated to better confirm the units being used. Units are defined by the first two characters, thus specifying the force unit 'KI' defines KIPS, even if the entered text for the force unit is 'KILONEWTON' or 'KILOGRAM'. However, the full entered text would be displayed in the output. Now the unit used by the program will be displayed.

A) 63 The analysis routine has been updated to ensure that using the KG option with a P-Delta analysis would not result in the analysis to crash due to attempting to access a temporary file created during the analysis process.

A) 64 The AISC 360-16 steel design routine for designing wide flange sections subject to 'minor axis bending only' has been updated to prevent the web (and thus the whole section) as slender. The code itself does not define this, but it is in keeping with the spirit of the section classification.

A) 65 The response spectrum processing routine has been updated for all methods (other than SNiP 2012 and SP14.13330) to ensure that it better handles modes that occur at exactly, or are extremely close to, the values of T0 or Ts, i.e. the limits of the flat section of the response spectrum curve.

A) 66 The analysis of models with solid entities that include a time history load and user defined Poisson ratio has been addressed to prevent this combination of characteristics causing the analysis to crash.


(B) Generic GUI Updates (23)

B) 01 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if any colour settings are changed, then those will be re-used in the subsequent sessions.

B) 02 The routines that link the help buttons in the GUI to the corresponding topic in the help documentation has been updated to provide a more comprehensive service.

B) 03 The Search tool provided in the upper right corner of the application has been updated to provide better responses and links to items in the ribbon bar and backstage.

B) 04 The method used to assign a model to CONNECT project has been updated to provide an indication that a model is not to be associated with a CONNECT project and not display the association dialog in future.

B) 05 A thin outline has been added to the various modules of the program to provide a clearer view of each when multiple modules are open and overlap.

B) 06 The CONNECT Advisor that provides a unified interface to interact with appropriate content to help with daily STAAD.Pro tasks has been re-configured to provide easier access.

B) 07 The actions of the Zoom Window icon and Dynamic Zoom icon in the View Ribbon have been swapped to be consistent with the actions from STAAD.Pro V8i.

B) 08 Clicking the mouse roller wheel and dragging is a quick action to allow the contents of a structure view to be panned. However, this action was not operational when the window was created as a Dynamic Zoom. The action has been added to Dynamic Zoom windows.

B) 09 The GUI has been updated to handle results produced by versions of STAAD.Pro V8i SS5 and earlier which used a different results database format which was not handled in later versions of STAAD.pro.

B) 10 The option to re-select the previous object selection has been added to the Select ribbon Cursors group.

B) 11 The Start Screen has been updated to provide convenient links to the sample and verification models delivered with the installation.

B) 12 The routine used to delete items selected in tables has been updated to ensure that the list of items was based on the index of the selected object rather than the table row number.

B) 13 The routine for importing Stardyne models has been removed from the program.

B) 14 The GUI has been updated to ensure that IX (torsional modulus) values of channel profiles are displayed correctly when the base unit is set to metric. Note that this only affected the displayed values and did not affect the analysis or design.

B) 15 The GUI has been updated to ensure that dialogs do not appear on the backstage when resizing the application window.

B) 16 The GUI has been updated to catch models which have been defined with multi-linear spring supports that have more than the maximum 100 displacement/stiffness pairs. Previously this would have caused the application to crash when opening the model.

B) 17 The tool-tip in the Configuration>File Format> Joint Coordinate Significant Figures has been updated to correctly list the valid range.

B) 18 The internal handling of memory while using the zoom functions has been updated to address situations which occasionally caused the application to crash.

B) 19 An additional check has been introduced when working with an archived file *.STZ, such that this model closed first before attempting to open a new archive file. Previously, such an action would result in the application crashing.

B) 20 The STAAD archive file format *.STZ has been registered with ProjectWise and this now allows an archive file to be opened directly into STAAD.Pro by using the Open routine or double clicking in a ProjectWise browser.

B) 21 The GUI file processing routine has been updated to ensure that if a UNIT specification is included prior to a DIRECT ANALYSIS specification this is retained when the file is re-saved.

B) 22 The GUI file reading routine has been updated so that it only processes the first 2 characters for any length or force specification and the details of this clarified in the documentation section TR.3 Unit Specification.

B) 23 The routine that allows quick access to items in a table by right-clicking and selecting 'Go to …' has been updated to ensure that this uses the selected reference rather than the table row number.


(C) Analytical Modelling Workflow (39)

C) 01 The Automatic Load Combination Generator has been updated to allow the specification of a starting number of the generated combinations and better naming of the generated combinations to clarify the conditions being met.

C) 02 GUI processing of Time History definitions specified using a spectrum option has been updated to ensure that when the data is written into the STD file, if it is required to extend over multiple lines, the use of the line continuation character results in a correctly formated file.

C) 03 The GUI handling of group definitions has been improved to ensure that if a member is split, then all resulting parts are retained in the group definition.

C) 04 The properties of HSS sections in the AISC database have been updated to use the full section thickness. Previously this was listed as the thickness reduced by 7% as required for the design.

C) 05 The processing of LOADLIST commands by the GUI has been updated so that it no longer splits any definition into multiple parts which might result in a reduced set of load cases for subsequent actions.

C) 06 The processing of external user provided tables (UPT) has been been updated to better handle cases where the external table does not exist.

C) 07 The legacy SURFACE objects are now fully removed from STAAD.Pro. In order to create a panel of finite elements which are properly managed by STAAD.Pro, the PARAMETRIC OBJECT should be used. It is further managed better still if created as a physical model in the Physical Model workflow.

C) 08 The GUI has been updated to allow the application of hydrostatic loading to members in a reference load case.

C) 09 The GUI display of wind loading has been updated to ensure that the values match those when exposure factors have been specified.

C) 10 The GUI routine that addresses the editing of a response spectrum load definition has been updated to better handle the condition where Individual Modal Response has been set, to ensure that this setting can be edited.

C) 11 The US AISC steel database has been updated such that the table of wide flange sections now shows the plastic modulus for the major axis as Zz. Previously this was shown as Zx.

C) 12 The routine for displaying the graph of wind pressure at a given height when using the ASCE7 option in the wind loading definition has been improved to provide better indication of the values resulting from this method.

C) 13 The GUI is now able to define node loads inclined from the global axes, previously this could only be specified in the Editor.

C) 14 The GUI routine that saves the details of a response spectrum has been improved to ensure that the details of the response spectrum does not exceed the limit of 79 characters on a line, but if necessary use the line continuation character to extend onto additional lines.

C) 15 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if the configuration option to save the member information in a single line format, then the format is used in the STD file.

C) 16 The ribbon control provided for selecting standard profiles from the collection of available databases in the Specification Ribbon, has been updated to be consistent with the control provided in the Section Database Manager tool.

C) 17 The Automatic Load Combination Generator has been updated to refer to IS456/800 and reflect the combination requirements in these codes rather than IS875-1:2002.

C) 18 The Automatic Load Combination Generation tool has been updated to ensure that it displays rules delivered by the program and created by the user.

C) 19 The macro provided by the installation to define combinations to the European Code in the Utilities>User Tools ribbon, has been updated to meet the requirements of the Win Basic VBA engine provided with STAAD.Pro CE.

C) 20 The Japanese steel section profile database has been update to include the current published profile properties , the addition o the profile H900x300x16x28, 74 new CHS profiles and 38 previously available T profiles have been removed.

C) 21 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if a wind load definition has been included in a load case, but not all the of the members have been specified with section profiles, the application will manage that. Previously, this could cause the application to crash.

C) 22 The GUI has been updated to support the addition of Custom Profile database in the Section Database Manager tool.

C) 23 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if a temperature load defined with a STRAINRATE is saved, the parameter is not changed to a STRAIN option.

C) 24 A new section profile database of tubes manufactured by APL Apollo has been added to the list of standard sections.

C) 25 The GUI has been updated to better handle the options of the PLATE MAT command and ensure that the correct settings are written into the STD file. The options XONLY, YONLY, ZONLY could be written incorrectly.

C) 26 The Load selection dialog available in the Loading and Results ribbon, has been updated such that in addition to selecting a load case as before, now by clicking on the up and down keys, it is possible to step through the other load cases and change the displayed loading/results without having to re-open the dialog.

C) 27 The User Table GUI has been updated to provide clearer feedback as to the actions taking place.

C) 28 The method used to display plate thicknesses in the Properties dialog box has been updated toe ensure that if the thickness is modified or material changed, the changes are reflected in the Property dialog immediately.

C) 29 The GUI has been updated such that the default value of the parameter TMAIN for the AIJ steel design codes, which determines the slenderness limit for tension members, is shown as 400.

C) 30 The parameter list of the AIJ steel design codes has been updated to remove SSZ and SSY which are not used by these codes.

C) 31 The parameter list of the AIJ steel design modules have been updated to remove the option 3 from the TRACK parameter. This is no longer used.

C) 32 The parameter list of the AIJ steel design modules have been updated to remove the option 4 from the TRACK parameter. Deflection checks are determined by using load cases in an envelope classed as type, serviceability.

C) 33 The tables of castellated profiles in the AISC database have been updated to ensure that the values displayed with the base unit set to metric. Note that this issue did not affect any analysis or design routine.

C) 34 The installed standard materials available when generating a new model have been updated and four additional steel materials have been added.

C) 35 The LOAD LIST command available from the Analysis and Design ribbon has been updated to allow selection of envelopes as well as the previous option of selecting individual primary load cases and combinations.

C) 36 The action of the drop list item 'Parameters' in the Loading ribbon>Dynamic Specifications>Time History has been updated to ensure that it displays the intended dialog box.

C) 37 The GUI file reading routine has been updated to ensure that when parsing an IBC 2012 static seismic load, the defined data is correctly assigned to the appropriate parameters such that is is displayed correctly in the loading dialog and written out again in the same way.

C) 38 The Steel Design workflow has been removed as this is currently not an operational workflow.

C) 39 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if the value of torsional modulus (IX) is included in the section profile database for a selected member, then that value is reported as this is the value that will be used during the analysis. Previously a calculated value based on the section dimensions would be displayed.


(D) Physical Modelling Workflow (25)

D) 01 The Physical Modelling workflow has been updated to now support static loading definitions, load cases and combinations (not just load groups). The load cases and load items also now sync with an ISM repository. Note that this means management of load cases is now controlled by the Physical Modelling workflow and not the Analytical Modelling workflow for physical models.

D) 02 The Physical Modelling workflow has been updated to better handle section profiles defined from the AISC 9th Edition catalog.

D) 03 Details of members designed using the MEMBER SELECT with design codes AISC 360-16 and NZ 3404-1997 are now reported back to the Physical Modelling Workflow and can be used to update the Physical Model.

D) 04 The processing of point loads on surfaces has been improved to allow loads to be applied to the very edge of the surface which previously would report as being outside the surface.

D) 05 The layout of spreadsheets has been simplified by providing the control in a context sensitive ribbon bar.

D) 06 The processing of the option to create the analytical model when only displaying a partial model view (i.e. only with some objects selected), has been updated to ensure that the entire model is created, not just the selected view.

D) 07 The spreadsheet tool has been updated to improve the experience of selecting items in the table by clicking on the first of the row, i.e. the index column and dragging up or down allows those additional rows also to get selected.

D) 08 The spreadsheet tool has been updated to allow members to be defined with un-registered nodes, i.e. such as only defining the start node, but if the spreadsheet is changed by say moving to a different sheet such as the nodes sheet, then only members with valid start and end nodes will be retained.

D) 09 The progress wheel displayed when generating an analysis model has been updated to better reflect the overall progress of the model generation.

D) 10 The spreadsheet tool has been updated to allow the data to be sorted by any column by clicking on an arrow on the column header. Clicking once will sort from low to high and second time from low to high.

D) 11 Members in the Physical Modelling workflow can now be tagged with Connection Tags which can be assigned to the start or end of selected members. These tags can be checked for the forces in the Analytical Model workflow according to the rules in the Connection Tag XML file. Any assigned tag will be transferred to the ISM repository when the model is synced and can be used to instruct detailers, using applications such as ProStructures, as to the connection to use in drawing production.

D) 12 The Member Segment function has been improved to ensure that members are divided into equal segments if the option is selected.

D) 13 The output panel has been enhanced with a filtering option to toggle the display of Error messages, Warnings or Notes.

D) 14 The backstage layout of the ISM interop and dialog have been revised to help retain coordination between the various ISM methods and retain a link to any repository used with the current model.

D) 15 The surface object supported in the physical model has been enhanced with support of a new circular opening definition. This definition is used to define openings on the analytical model and also included in the ISM interop.

D) 16 A new warning message will be displayed if the definition of an opening fails to successfully create an opening on a surface. Errors that are trapped include the boundary of the opening crossing the boundary of the surface and the boundary of one opening crossing the boundary of any other opening.

D) 17 The meshing algorithm used to create the analytical finite elements of surfaces has been improved taking into account the tolerance settings and adjacent/connecting surfaces.

D) 18 The import of models from an ISM repository has been improved on systems where the regional settings have been set to use a comma as the decimal separator.

D) 19 The spreadsheet table for grids has been updated to allow the addition of comments similar to that provided in other tables.

D) 20 The ribbon icon for labeling selected objects with their associated reference number has been updated to clarify its nature as a toggle which turns on/off the labels identified in the associated drop list.

D) 21 Generating the analytical model has been improved with a method to ensure that if an analysis model has been previously been generated, but some data is missing, then this data will be regenerated. Previously, the missing data would cause the analysis model creation routine to fail.

D) 22 The decomposition of the physical model to analytical data has been updated to improve the method used to update members that have been sub-divided into multiple parts using the 'Segment Model' after an initial analysis model has been created. Previously, some of the newly created analytical parts would be missing their profile and material specification.

D) 23 The method used to import an ISM into the Physical Model has been updated to additionally support members of type Polyline provided that they only have 2 defining points, start and end. Polyline members which have additional intermediate points are currently not supported.

D) 24 The create and update routines from the Physical Model to ISM have been updated to ensure that the alignment options match in both environments.

D) 25 The meshing routines have been improved to handle models which were failing to create analysis models due to small tolerances.


(E) Other Modelling Workflows (01)

E) 01 The Building Planner workflow has been updated such that it retains the link to the calling STAAD.Pro and it is now no longer provided as an additional purchase, but included with the subscription of the STAAD.Pro license. (Note that this update is provided as a Technology Preview with this release. To utilise this feature, please contact your Bentley software provider to obtain an additional free license to add to your portfolio).


(F) Analysis Post Processing Workflow (17)

F) 01 The reporting of stresses for wide flange sections which included a composite flange have been improved to better utilize the modular ratio of the two materials.

F) 02 The stress values reported for channel sections when the model has been defined with the SET Z UP option has been corrected to account for the rotated local axes.

F) 03 The reporting of stresses for angle profiles defined with the RA option have been corrected.

F) 04 The display of a legend for plate models has been updated to prevent clipping of the text in the description of the stress pattern being displayed.

F) 05 The post processing module has been updated to display results of response spectra cases for which the combination method of GRP for closely spaced modes, has been specified.

F) 06 The post processing module has been updated to process and display the results of forces resulting from Russian wind loading.

F) 07 Adding the option SET SHEAR from the Analysis and Design> Analysis Data>Miscellaneous Commands to omit the effect of shear distortion from the analysis will now invalidate any results and require the analysis to be rerun.

F) 08 The post processing ribbon bar has been updated to ensure that the options in the Results>View Results sheet are disabled for items that are not included in the current model.

F) 09 The resulting design data from a number of design codes have been updated such that they are now available in the member query dialog box. The codes updated are, API 2a, BS400, Norsok N-004, SNiP 2.23-81 and SP 16.13330.2011.

F) 10 The Result field in the Member Query>Steel Design has been updated to ensure that it indicates Pass/Fail for codes, DS412, NPD & NS3472.

F) 11 The Beam Stress Layout tool that displays the stresses on wide flange, channel and angle sections has been updated to better handle profiles that have been enhanced with cover plates or composite action which resulted in a shifted centre of gravity.

F) 12 The Beam Stress Layout tool that displays the stresses on hollow sections such as pipe or tubes which did not correctly calculate the location of centre of gravity.

F) 13 The Beam Stress Layout tool has been updated to improve the display of stresses on prismatic tee, trapezoidal, prismatic and general sections.

F) 14 The Beam Stress Layout tool has been updated to improve the display of stresses on Zee, Hat, tapered tubes and tapered I sections.

F) 15 A further improvement in STAAD.Pros ability to handle very large models has been implemented that allows STAAD.Pro to access results data in files that could not be accessed with a 32bit application.

F) 16 The tool for providing annotation of analysis results on the graphical window has been updated to handle a situation in which attempting to annotate members with extremely small results values caused the application to crash.

F) 17 The Post Processing Report>Beam Stress table has been updated to ensure that the values reported are calculated using the same method for as that used in the combined stress table in the output file.


(G) Other Post Processing Design Workflows (13)

G) 01 The GUI has been updated to prevent opening and editing the model in the Editor if the Concrete Design Workflow is open. Previously, doing so would cause the application to crash.

G) 02 The Connection Design Workflow has been updated such that the Structural Integrity option for BS5950 and EC3 designs, has been removed from the definitions dialog, but where applicable can be assigned to a connection in the resulting connection design.

G) 03 The Connection Design Workflow has been updated to allow National Annex specifications for Eurocode designs to be edited. Previously doing so would cause the application to crash.

G) 04 The Steel Connection workflow has been updated to support creating multiple Beam-Girder connections at the same location. However, it is recommended to review any connections assigned to ensure it matches the required intent.

G) 05 The Steel Connection workflow has been enhanced with the option to generate DXF drawings of connections which was available in earlier versions of STAAD.Pro. On the Connection Pad of any connection select the DXF tab on the right side of the window, then click on the option 'Export to dxf' from the options on the top of the window.

G) 06 The Steel Connection design of Beam-Girder connections has been improved to ensure that any slope of beam includes the sign of the slope.

G) 07 The Steel Connection design routines have been updated to the RAM Connection V12 component.

G) 08 A new Advanced Concrete Design workflow has been added to STAAD.Pro. This provides a direct link for the current concrete STAAD model to be designed with the RCDC application. This is an included service with the STAAD.Pro Advanced license, but requires the use of a separate STAAD Advanced Concrete license if using a basic STAAD.Pro license.

G) 09 A new Steel AutoDrafter workflow has been added to STAAD.Pro. This provides a facility to generate general arrangement drawings from steel framed STAAD structures. This workflow is provided for all STAAD.Pro users who have a current subscription. (Note that this update is provided as a Technology Preview with this release. To utilise this feature, please contact your Bentley software provider to obtain an additional free license to add to your portfolio).

G) 10 The Steel Connection workflow has been updated to support tubular sections other than those defined in a standard table, such as from user defined tables or a parametric definition.

G) 11 The Steel Connection workflow has been enhanced to allow for user defined templates to be edited.

G) 12 Two new RAM connection templates have been provided for the AISC 360 -16 design routines for the design of horizontal bracing gussets. The connections are for either beam-brace-beam or column-beam-brace-beam junctions.

G) 13 The Export to STAAD Foundation Advanced has been updated to ensure that the column dimensions are not determined from any member that is in the horizontal plane.


(H) Interoperability (05)

H) 01 The CIS/2 import routine has been improved to handle STP files that have not been formed correctly.

H) 02 The CIS/2 import routines have been updated to better generate physical members defined in the STP file.

H) 03 The interop with ProjectWise (PW) has been updated to ensure that if a model is opened directly from a PW browser, then it is checked out and when the model is closed in STAAD.Pro, the data is then checked back into the PW repository.

H) 04 The routine to update a pipelink database with additional STAAD results data has been updated to remove a case sensitive check on the file extension which was previously preventing the file from being updated.

H) 05 The ProjectWise and email sharing routines have been updated to allow STAAD.Pro files to be shared as either the base model file *.STD or collated with all the associated project files such as the results data into a single archive *.STZ file.


(I) The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules (01)

I) 01 Due to the details provided in some error, warning and note messages being comprehensive, the details were being truncated when displayed in the Editor. More space is now provided to allow full details of such messages are now provided.


(J) OpenSTAAD (03)

J) 01 The OpenSTAAD functions Property.GetMemberReleaseSpec Property.GetMemberReleaseSpecEx have been updated to ensure that where spring releases have been assigned, this information is returned as requested.

J) 02 The OpenSTAAD function Load.AddWindIntensity has been updated to correct the method that should generate intensity with multiple intensities which was causing STAAD.Pro to crash.

J) 03 Two new OpenSTAAD analysis functions for STAAD.Pro Advanced users have been added, void PerformCableAnalysis(VARIANT NoOfIterations, VARIANT PrintOption); void PerformBucklingAnalysis(VARIANT MaxSteps, VARIANT PrintOption);


(K) Documentation and Printing (12)

K) 01 The member query dialog option to print details of the section properties has been updated to ensure that the the values of density are printed using the correct unit conversion.

K) 02 The user report tool has been updated to ensure that Saved Views are only displayed as items in the Saved Views section of the Available Items.

K) 03 The technical reference documentation for specifying concentrated members loads ( TR.32.2 Member Load Specification) has been updated to clarify that there is a difference in setting the distance of zero, which means the load is applied at the start of the member and not including the value, which applies the load to the centre of the beam.

K) 04 The Job Information Section in a user report includes the number of primary and combination load cases which was mis-counting the included number of cases which has been corrected.

K) 05 The documentation has been updated to include a link to the details of the supported New Zealand steel design code in the section Home > Design > Steel Design > Available Steel Design Codes.

K) 06 The RAM Connection Report has been withdrawn from the User Report Setup. The item RAM Connection Summary is retained which displays a table of the connections assigned to the model, but to display details of connections, the option Connection Report available in the Connection Design ribbon should be used.

K) 07 Documentation updated to list new Physical Modelling workflow features.

K) 08 Technical Reference Section 'TR. Response Spectrum Specification per SP 14.13330.2011' has been updated to identify the parameter to trigger this code as SP11.

K) 09 The documentation for the AIJ steel design code has been updated to clarify that the parameter MBG is used to determine the elastic section modulus about the Z axis of wide flange and channel sections.

K) 10 The OpenSTAAD documentation for the functions 'CreateSupportFixedBut', 'GetSupportInformation' and 'GetSupportInformationEx', have been updated to correct the return values for the release specification, varReleaseSpec.

K) 11 The AIJ 2005 documentation, section D9.B.2 Member Capacities, has been updated to clarify the equation used for determining the value of 'C' as used in the value of 'Me', itself used in the slenderness calculations.

K) 12 The User Report tool has been updated add three new tables in the Earthquake Check Reports section when the model has been processed in the Earthquake workflow. Storey Stiffness Table, Soft Storeys Table, and Torsional Radius Check Table.


(L) Licensing / Security / Installation (11)

L) 01 The installer has been updated to provide a more consistent experience with Bentley CONNECT Edition applications.

L) 02 The management of licensing of nuclear design codes has been modified to simplify usage and prevent accidental usage and creation of a QTL for 'STAAD Nuclear Design Codes' by adding it as a prerequisite check on the Start Screen.

L) 03 The verification examples provided for AISC 9th Edition that refer to tube profiles that are no longer published by the AISC have been changed to equivalent UPT profiles.

L) 04 The legacy Editor has been removed from the installation.

L) 05 The legacy Viewer has been removed from the installation.

L) 06 The CONNECT Advisor utility delivered with STAAD.Pro has been updated to version

L) 07 The installer has been updated to include links to the STAAD Foundation Advanced and Structural Synchronizer applications which are used by key parts of STAAD.pro and are provided as optional installation components.

L) 08 The license processing routine in the Physical Modelling workflow has been improved to prevent checks which reporting inappropriate warnings during a session.

L) 09 Planwin license check no longer required to use the Building Planer Mode.

L) 10 The installer has been updated to provide a better download and installation experience by implementing an on-demand technology so only the components requested are downloaded from the Bentley servers.

L) 11 The installation has been updated to ensure that the Structure Wizard module is registered such that it allows the use of VBA macros such as the ones included as samples for creating a stadium Roof or A Simple Tower.


Last updated : 2018/09/25

© 2018. Bentley Systems, Incorporated

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