Release Date: September 2018
Version: RAM Concept CONNECT Edition V6 Update 5
Version Number:
Download Instructions
Current and past RAM Concept releases can be downloaded from Bentley Cloud Services at:
After signing into CONNECTION Center, select Software Downloads under My Support, towards the bottom of the page. Once on the Software Fulfillment page, RAM Concept installers can be located by performing a search on "RAM Concept", or by selecting Brand -> RAM.
Note: Although there are multiple listings for RAM Concept (RAM Concept, RAM Concept Post Tension Module, etc.), each of these takes the user to the same list of installers, as all features of RAM Concept require only one installation.
Special Notices
This release no longer provides a x86 version of RAM Concept. Starting with CONNECT Edition Update 3 (6.3.0), RAM Concept is available only as a 64-bit application.
The installation of RAM Concept will automatically uninstall previous CONNECT Edition versions (6.0.0 through 6.3.0). V8i releases (version 5.2.0 and earlier) will not be automatically uninstalled and can remain side-by-side with RAM Concept CONNECT Edition V6 Update 5.
If using the RAM Concept integration with RAM Structural System, the x64 version of RAM Structural System must be used (as opposed to x86).
New Features
RAM Concept CONNECT Edition V6 Update 5 has the new features discussed below.
Post-Tensioning (PT) Optimization Technology Preview
The PT optimization feature in RAM Concept is a Bentley Cloud Service that uses intelligent search algorithms to optimize the design of PT floors. Once a user has defined the initial post-tensioning layout and a reasonable range of values for tendon strand quantities and profile elevations, RAM Concept’s optimization process automatically compares thousands of possible solutions, filters out solutions with design code failures, and ranks the solutions by total cost. The optimized cost is calculated from the PT, rebar, and shear stud rail quantities multiplied by material and labor cost factors. The user sets the cost factors to reflect the project’s expected actual costs.
A feature article outlining the optimization feature can be found here.
Learning videos that focus on using the tool can be found here.
Generated Jacks on Tendon Parameter Layer
There is now a Jack Region tool on the Tendon Parameter layers. This tool automatically generates jacks at the ends of generated tendons found within the Jack Region polygon and allows for PT loss calculation of generated tendons. In previous releases, jacks were available for manual tendons only.
Cracking, Yielding, and Instability Information in the Load History Calc Log
The Load History Calc Log now identifies cross sections that have cracked, yielded, or have local instabilities.
Error Corrections
RAM Concept CONNECT Edition V6 Update 5 has the error corrections discussed below.
ACI 318 Minimum Development Length and Excess Reinforcement
ACI 318-14, section permits a reduction of development length for excess reinforcement, but the modified development length cannot be less than the code specified minimums. However, the program applied the reduction for excess reinforcement after the minimum development lengths requirements were processed. Now the excess reinforcement reduction is not applied to the code specified minimum development length. This change affects ACI 318-14 only. It does not affect previous ACI 318 codes.
AS 3600-2009 Initial Service Load Combination Change
The Initial Service LC used a load factor of 0.80 with dead load. This factor was changed to 0.90 in AS 3600-2009. The combination for AS 3600-2001 was correct.
EC2 Design No Torsion Capacity Calculated for Very Narrow Sections
For very narrow cross sections, no torsion core was found after accounting for side cover. This resulted in a calculated torsion capacity of 0. In sections with no torsion demand, the shear capacity may have been calculated as 0 or reported as “NaN” due to the interaction equation used for shear and torsion.
Error Displayed When Auditing Cross Sections
An error window displayed when auditing cross sections in some models. When the error occurred, the Audit Report could not be generated.
File Compatibility Warning
RAM Concept CONNECT Edition V6 Update 5 can read all previous file formats, but writes files in a format that cannot be read by previous versions.
Security Release Notes
Not applicable to this release.