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STAAD.Pro V8i SS3, Build (16 September 2011)

Current Revision posted to RAM | STAAD Wiki by Carlos Aguera on 6/12/2018 12:36:20 PM

  (A) Issues addressed in the Analysis/Design Engine (39)
  (B) Issues addressed in the Pre-Processing Mode (16)
  (C) Issued Addressed in the Post-Processing Mode (04)
  (D) Issues Addressed in the Steel Design Mode (00)
  (E) Issues Addressed in the Concrete Design Mode (01)
  (F) Issues Addressed in the RAM Connection Mode (09)
  (G) Issues Addressed in the Advanced Slab Design Mode (02)
  (H) Issues Addressed in the Piping Mode (00)
  (I) Issues Addressed in the Editor, Viewer and other modules (02)
  (J) Issues Addressed in OpenSTAAD (02)
  (K) Issues Addressed with Printing / Documentation (16)
  (L) Issues Addressed with Licensing / Security / Installation (01)
(A) Issues addressed in the Analysis/Design Engine (39)

A) 01 The BS5950 steel design module has been updated to address a situation
which can occur when designing multiple members and a member that immediately
follows a class 4 section and is subject only to tension forces would have been
calculated with a reduced design strength.
A) 02 The processing of the wind load intensities has been improved in order to
trap incorrectly defined height/intensity pairs.
A) 03 The processing of one-way floor load commands has been updated to improve
the loading on members loaded from a triangular floor area.
A) 04 The Eurocode 3 DD (also know as the ENV) version has been removed from the
program. Note that all European examples have been replaced with designs using
the equivalent current EN version of the code.
A) 05 The shear area along minor axis calculation for T sections was previously
done using the same calculation as for as wide flange sections resulting in
overvalued minor axis shear areas. Whilst this is un-conservative, it is rare
that this is the critical aspect of a design.
A) 06 The analysis engine has been updated to handle the situation where load
combinations are numbered in excess of 9999.
A) 07 The Dutch National Annex implementation for Eurocode 3 has been updated
such that for members in compression if the (axial load / axial capacity) ratio
is less than 0.15, the check for slenderness is not required and thus no longer
A) 08 The interaction checks in Eurocode 3 EN 1993-1-1 design has been updated
to address small axial loads. Rather than ignoring the check if the axial load
over capacity <0.001, the check is avoided if the axial compression in the
member is < 0.1 kN.
A) 09 The output of a steel design to Eurocode 3 EN1993-1-1 incorrectly reported
the steel strength of members assigned a grade using SGR 4, i.e. S460. However,
the design was performed using this steel strength.
A) 10 The slenderness calculations in the ASCE 10-97 design code have been
corrected to include the defined effective length factors.
A) 11 The IS 800:2007 code check for back to back angles has been updated to
ensure that the correct sectional area is used when the long leg is back to back
for non slender or semi-compact sections.
A) 12 The IS 800:2007 steel design routine for classification of welded UPT
sections has been updated to use the correct dimensions as outlined in the code
for a welded profile instead of those of a rolled section with no rolling radii.

A) 13 The Eurocode 3 steel design EN 1993-1-1 has been updated such that the
torsional shear stresses used in when TOR 1 is specified now includes the area
enclosed by the mean perimeter to give a more accurate result than the previous
A) 14 The design of columns to IS 456 has been improved so that the correct
reinforcement layout is reported when using the METHOD parameter.
A) 15 The property calculation method used for defining the properties of User
Table General sections defined by polygon profiles has been improved to address
situations where the properties were being reported with negative values
resulting in a crash during the analysis.
A) 16 The clause H.3 checks for a BS590:2000 steel design have been updated to
ensure that in the case of very small or zero axial load applied to sections
with slender webs, the correct interaction ratio is reported in the output.
A) 17 The Canadian steel design code S16-01 has been updated to include a clause
13.9 check for class 4 slender sections.
A) 18 The Russian SNiP steel design code was updated to display the co-existent
forces for the key location for the design. (Note this was addressed in, but not reported) .
A) 19 The AISC 360-05 steel design slenderness calculation routines have been
corrected for models with SET Z UP. Previously the slenderness calculations were
inverting the effective lengths for the major and minor axes.
A) 20 The EN 1993-1-1 design code has been enhanced with the addition of a new
MTH parameter in order to allow the choice of clause to use when calculating
x_LT. EN 1993 allows for two methods to work out XLT as stated in the
description. Although Cl. in En 1993 deals only with I-Sections, in some
cases the NA (e.g. UK/French NA) extends this clause to include other sections
as well. Hence the implementation will allow for three values for the new MTH
parameter: MTH = 0 (default) : Will use the default method specified in the code
or the NA based on the section type. So if MTH=0 (or user has not specified
MTH), the program will default to the method specified by the NA. If the NA does
not have a preference and it extends clause Cl. to include other
sections, we will use this clause to work out XLT.
MTH=1: Will use Cl. If the NA extends Cl. we will use the method
in Cl. of the NA, otherwise will use the values in the base code. MTH=2:
Will use Cl. If the NA extends Cl. we will use the method in
Cl. of the NA. If it doesn’t include sections, other than I sections, we
will issue a warning and set MTH to default value of 0.
Note that if a National annex has not been specified (i.e.) the base EN 1993 is
invoked and the user has specified a section other than an I section and used
MTH=2, we will issue a warning and set MTH to the default value of 0.
A) 21 The NS 3472 Norwegian steel design code has been updated to include a
warning to confirm that it does not support designs on models defined using SET
Z UP. These models should be checked using Eurocode 3, EN 1993-1-1 and the
Norwegian National Annex as this is the current code.
A) 22 A warning is produced in the output file if the wind load generator is
used on models with SET Z UP defined as this is currently not supported. (Note,
this was previously reported as a Known Issue).
A) 23 The Australian steel design code AS 4100 has been updated for the shear
checks on pipe sections to ensure that the correct shear capacity is defined for
the minor axis. Previously this was under estimated and could produce
conservative results.
A) 24 The live load reduction routines used with the FLOOR and ONE WAY loading
defined in live load cases has been corrected to use the correct units. Note
would have produced a non conservative result as the reduction would have been
greater than defined in the UBC/IBC codes.
A) 25 The Von Mises Stress Checks in the AIJ steel design codes, both 2002 and
2005 have been updated such that if the loading is defined as Temporary (i.e.
TMP 1.0) then the allowable stress does not get increased by a factor of 1.5
which previously produced less conservative results.
A) 26 The AIJ steel design routine has been updated to produce properly
pagenated output (ANL) files.
A) 27 The AISC LRFD 3rd Edition design routine has been updated to correctly
calculate bending capacities for wide flange sections with top and/or bottom
cover plates. These sections are treated as non-doubly symmetric sections and
designed as per Appendix F. Issues with the calculation of the radius of
gyration of the compression flange and compressive residual stress Fr has now
been addressed.
A) 28 The second order analysis of load cases including thermal loads has been
updated to correctly account for the applied forces internal to the members when
forming the Kg matrix. Note this was added in, but not documented.
A) 29 The Australian steel design module has been updated such that the
slenderness check is performed on compression members if the MAIN parameter is
set to a suitable slenderness limit. Additionally if a slenderness check is
required on tension members, then set TMAIN to the required limit.
A) 30 2 Additional parameters, PDITER and REDUCEDEI have been added to the
Direct Analysis command to control the non linear aspect of this form of
analysis. Note, these parameters are not supported by the GUI. For more details
refer to section 5.37.5 of the Technical Reference manual. (Note this was added
A) 31 The deflection check in the Canadian steel design code S16-01 has been
updated to ensure that the members are correctly initialised for the defelction
A) 32 The parametric modelling routines used in the GUI has been enhanced to
ensure that the meshes can be created using models where the current length
units other than those from the base unit systems, i.e. feet and metres.
A) 33 The IS1893 response spectrum analysis has been enhanced to better handle
accidental torsion. The TOR parameter has been enhanced with additional optional
settings of OPP and COU such that the torsional component can be calculated with
the eccentricity as defined in Cl 7.9.2 and Cl 7.9.2 Note 2 of Amendment No. 1
January 2005 of IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2002. There are 4 possible settings to
calculate the design eccentricity, edi =
= esi + eac*bi (add parameter TOR),
= esi - eac*bi (add parameter TOR OPP),
= + eac*bi (add parameter TOR COU),
= - eac*bi (add parameter TOR COU OPP)
esi = dynamic eccentricity arising due to difference between centre of mass and
centre of rigidity at floor i (static eccentricity multiplied by dynamic
amplification factor 1.0 for response spectrum analysis),
eac = extent of accidental eccentricity (0.05 by default, unless not specified)
bi = floor plan dimension in the direction of earthquake loading
A) 34 The IS800:2007 has been slightly modified to ensure that the section
modulus of slender sections is calculated using the correct value of flange
width which was previously resulting in under estimation of the minor axis
bending capacity.
A) 35 The IS800:2007 steel design routine has been updated to correct the
calculation for defining the effective area of a back to back channel section.
A) 36 The output reported in the output file by the Basic (not Advanced)
analysis solver of the loading defined by a Notional Load has been corrected.
Whilst the actual load created and used was correct, if the command PRINT LOAD
DATA was used, the load was not reported at the correct locations.
A) 37 The IS 800:1984 steel design module has been updated for members with high
compressive stress which are close to or exceeding the Euler buckling load
resulted in an under-estimated allowable bending stress and thus over estimate
of the interaction ratio.
A) 38 The AIJ Steel design modules has been updated to ensure that the value of
'fa' displayed in the output file is correct for members defined with the TRUSS
command. Note that the actual design and reported ratios were correct.
A) 39 The IS893 static seismic routine has been updated such that the reduction
of base shear due to depth of foundation below ground level defined using the DT
parameter was being applied to the entire model. Additionally a new parameter GL
has also been added to directly define the vertical coordinate of the ground
level to be considered which can be used in place of the DT parameter.

(B) Issues addressed in the Pre-Processing Mode (16)

B) 01 The Jindal steel section database supplied in STAAD.Pro has been updated.
B) 02 The dialog box that displays values of materials has been updated to
ensure that it displays the correct unit for shear modulus.
B) 03 The Indian section database has been updated to correct the thicknesses
for PIP1143(L,M,H) profiles.
B) 04 The British section database has been updated to correct the column header
for UB, UC and UBP profiles IX, torsional modulus (was shown as DE). Also the
profiles have been updated to match properties reported by Tata steel.
B) 05 The GUI handling of creating new views has been improved to ensure this is
only available when suitable items are selected.
B) 06 The GUI has been updated to ensure that if a user table has been created,
but does not contains any data, then this is not saved. Previously this
situation would cause the application to crash when saving the model.
B) 07 Hyperlinks to URLs in the STAAD.Pro GUI are now routed through a Bentley
B) 08 The GUI has been updated so that channel section outlines (and 3D section)
which were always being drawn on the basis that the web will be drawn to the
left of the local 'vertical' axis, without differentiating between the YUP and
ZUP options, has now been corrected so that channel sections are checked for any
Z UP option when drawing their outlines
B) 09 The IBC-2006 Resepoonse Spectrum routine in the GUI used to generate Fa
and Fv values from either from a zip code, longitude and latitude or specific
Ss, s1 and site class has been improved. If 0 is entereed for either Fa or Fv,
then the GUI will calculate and display the values for the given Ss, S1 and Site
B) 10 The link on the menu 'Help>Multimedia Help>' has been reinstated.
B) 11 The GUI has been updated to ensure that a section defined as a tapered
wide flange can be edited using the option in the Member query dialog box,
Property page.
B) 12 The partial labeling function has been updated to better toggle the
selected labeling option.
B) 13 The area AX of PIPE sections in the US steel database have been updated to
be in line the reduced values defined in the AISC 360-05. Note that changing to
an alternative American Section profile table such as AISCsection_All_Editions
will use the full section area.
B) 14 The GUI has been updated for the timber design code Eurocode 5 to display
and handle the parameter KLEF, the effective length for checking the laeteral
torsional buckling length.
B) 15 The GUI has been updated to include the two sidesway parameters, SSY and
SSZ, for the ASCE 10-97 steel design code which were previously added and
documented in the International Codes manual.
B) 16 The GUI has been updated such that design parameters ELA and ELB for the
ASCE 10-97 steel design code are created with the correct index.

(C) Issued Addressed in the Post-Processing Mode (04)

C) 01 The Post Processing Mode has been enhanced with the option for selecting
plates parallel to the global planes which has been available in the Modeling
C) 02 The post processing mode has been updated to allow the application to
display the seismic loading defined by the Canadian NRC code which is calculated
by the analysis engine to be displayed graphically.
C) 03 The 3D Beam Stress results for models using SET Z UP have been corrected
as previously these were reporting using the incorrect major/minor section
C) 04 The STAAD.Pro post processing has been updated such that the beam stresses
reported for European HE sections are now reported using the correct moments of

(D) Issues Addressed in the Steel Design Mode (00)


(E) Issues Addressed in the Concrete Design Mode (01)

E) 01 The ACI 318 concrete slab design routine in the RC Designer Module has
been improved to address an issue with US/English units not being retrieved when
a file is re-opened resulting in the incorrect display of units in the brief

(F) Issues Addressed in the RAM Connection Mode (09)

F) 01 The Ram Connection mode has been updated such that members defined with
end releases can also be used as bracing members in a connection design.
Previously only TRUSS, TENSION only or COMPRESSION only members could be used.
F) 02 The RAM Connection mode has been updated to ensure that users without a
valid RAM Connection license can still make use of the limited set of Basic
F) 03 The RAM Connection mode has been enhanced with an updated engine to ensure
that BCF template does not generate connections with negative bolt edge
F) 04 The RAM Connection mode has been enhanced such that the CBB connections
can be used to design connections with only columns and braces, i.e. without the
inclusion of a beam in the connection.
F) 05 "The RAM Connection design dll has been updated to version 7.2 which
includes the following 6 changes:- 1) Fix HSS column to base plate weld
capacity, 2) Fix assigning connection with opposite members, 3) Cap plate
thickness in data report 4) Fix base plate minimum edge distance, 5) Fix flange
Plate Whitmore section calculation for HSS, 6) Shear capacity of the anchors
does not use the 0.6 factor shown in ACI D-20"
F) 06 The RAM Connection mode has been enhanced to ensure that when the base
units are set to Metric, the thickness of gusset plates are correctly defined.
F) 07 The RAM Connection mode has ben enhanced such that if a new analysis is
performed on a model with connections defined which have been customised, then
assigning the same connection will maintain the existing defined customisation.
F) 08 The RAM Connection module creation of base plates with a Smart Baseplate
template has been improved to avoid un-necessary calculations which were
resulting in an overly long design step.
F) 09 The license checking routine in the RAM Connection mode has been updated
to ensure that the version of RAM Connection license is v7.2

(G) Issues Addressed in the Advanced Slab Design Mode (02)

G) 01 The integration of STAAD.Pro to RAM Concept using the Advanced Slab Design
mode has been improved to address an issue regarding changes of unit system.
Previously the current unit system was not recorded when a slab was created
which could result in odd dimensional issues when the slab was re-sent to RAM
Concept in a future session and there was a different unit system in place. The
unit system is now stored with the slab definition and a warning is displayed if
an old model is opened that has slabs defined without a unit system definition.
G) 02 The Advanced Slab Design Mode routine for creating slabs and walls has
been improved to ensure that the same value of tolerance is used for both Metric
and English unit systems.

(H) Issues Addressed in the Piping Mode (00)


(I) Issues Addressed in the Editor, Viewer and other modules (02)

I) 01 The values of AY and AZ were being swapped when being exported fro m
Section Wizard Freesketch module into a UPT table
I) 02 The CIS/2 translation module has been updated to imporve the method used
for identifying countries of named profiles.

(J) Issues Addressed in OpenSTAAD (02)

J) 01 OpenSTAAD has been updated to include a function to report the defined
category of a load case. Load.GetLoadType which takes one parameter of the load
case and returns the load type. See the OpenSTAAD help for full details.
J) 02 The OpenSTAAD API has been updated to better handle the creation of
supports with spring definitions.

(K) Issues Addressed with Printing / Documentation(16)

K) 01 The user report table of finite element principal stresses has been
updated to ensure that the correct values are reported.
K) 02 The Eurocode 3 EN 1993-1-1 documentation has been updated to indicate the
correct default BEAM parameter
K) 03 The verification problem for the Japanese AIJ 2005 steel design code has
been updated to show the correct steel strength and thus ratio.
K) 04 The Eurocode 3 EN 1993-1-1 online help has been updated to clarify the
calculations used in the determination of the value of x_LT
K) 05 The European steel design section of the International Design manual has
been updated to provide a more detailed explanation to the implementation
provided by STAAD.Pro
K) 06 The Eurocode 3 steel design EN 1993-1-1 section of the International
Design Codes manual has been expanded with more detailed explanations of the
theories and methods used in the design calculations.
K) 07 The Pushover Analysis module help documentation has been updated with
clearer references to the FEMA 356 documentation used in the development of this
K) 08 In order to aid cross referencing different sections of the online help, a
large number of hyperlinks have been added.
K) 09 The OpenSTAAD online documentation has been updated with the examples
being based on the current OpenSTAAD Application object (rather than the older
and less comprehensive OpenSTAAD Results object). Additionally a number of the
functions added to the Application object are also documented.
K) 10 Section 2B.8 of the International Codes manual has been updated clarifying
the scope of the section profiles that can be designed using the BS5950-1:2000
design code.
K) 11 Section of the Technical Reference Manual 'IBC 2006 Seismic Load
Definition' has been updated to correctly refer to the importance factor as I,
not IE as previously refernced.
K) 12 The BS5950:1990 documentation has been withdrawn as this code is no longer
supported. The BS5950:2000 or EN1993-1 codes should be used instead.
K) 13 The Technical Reference manual section has been updated regarding
composite damping.
K) 14 The ASME NF steel design documentation has been updated to clarify that
the input parameter FYLD represents the 'Steel yield strength at temperature'
and the input parameter FU represents the 'Steel ultimate tensile strength at
K) 15 The example in the OpenSTAAD online documentation has been updated to
correctly indicate that SetMaterialID is a function of the Property Object.
K) 16 The online help for the steel design code N690-1984 has been updated to
clarify that the compressive strength calcuated for members which slenderness in
excess of 120 is defined as 12 - (KL/r)/20. Note the calculations performed by
the program used this equation.

(L) Issues Addressed with licensing / security / installation (01)

L) 01 The GUI has been updated to ensure that the Canadian/Australian/SA license
allows access to the RC Designer mode.


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