I have undertaken a linear static analysis and have a range of utilisations from 0.01 to 1.013. Is it possible for Staad to show utilisations within a certain range e.g UR =0.5 to UR =0.9? I am able to manually select the members from the design results ta
Go to the post-processing mode. Next, go to the Beam> Unity Check page. You should be able to see the UR reported in a tabular form. Click on the “Actual Ratio” column from the right hand side of the window. It arranges the table in the ascending order of URs. Keeping the “ctrl” button pressed, click on the beam numbers in the table. You will see that members with UR ranging from 0.5 to 0.9 are highlighted.
Todisplaytheminisolationfromtherestofthestructure, youcan right click on theGUIdrawingarea and choose New View > Display view in the active window from the floating window that pops up.
The“Turn on/off Individual Beam Level” icon toocanbeusedtounclutterthedrawing. OndoingWhenyouselect this icon, you canwill see that there is a change in the cursor image. YoucanrubberRubber band theportiononawindowaround the members wherewhoseUR you do not want to seetheUR.