Release Date: October 1, 2015
Full Version Number:
Download Instructions:
Current and past RAM Concept releases can be downloaded from Bentley Cloud Services at
After signing in to the CONNECTION Center, select Software Downloads under My Support. Once on the Software Fulfillment page, RAM Concept installers can be located by performing a search on "RAM Concept", or by selecting Brand -> RAM. Note that although there are multiple listings for RAM Concept (RAM Concept, RAM Concept Post Tension Module, etc.), each of these takes the user to the same list of installers as all features of RAM Concept require only one installation.
Installation Instructions:
RAM Concept CONNECT Edition can be installed side-by-side with previous release versions of Concept. There is no need to uninstall previous versions. If using the RAM Concept integration with RAM Structural System, both products must be either the x86 or x64 version. For example, the use of RAM Concept x86 within RAM Structural System x64 is not supported.
RAM Concept CONNECT Edition is recommended for all projects, except those that are nearing final design.
New Features in RAM Concept CONNECT Edition
In addition to minor error corrections and enhancements, RAM Concept CONNECT Edition introduces the new features discussed below.
Warnings and Errors Management Tool
This release features a new set of graphical tools dedicated to identifying, locating, and resolving errors and warnings produced during the meshing, analysis, and design process. In previous versions of RAM Concept, errors and warnings were stored in the calculation log, which was simply a text file. Querying details on a specific error or warning could only be done by word searches within the calculation log.
The new graphical features could potentially save hours of design time per project locating and resolving warnings and errors.
The feature offers several key capabilities:
- All warnings and errors are displayed on screen in a sortable list immediately after the calculation process has completed.
- The plan on which the warning or error can be corrected is opened simply by double clicking on the warning item.
- Where applicable, the object requiring modification is selected automatically.
- The user can zoom to the specific location on plan where the warning occurs.
A wiki introducing this feature in detail is available at the following link:
Bentley CONNECT Integration
The CONNECT Edition is a new Bentley software generation offering a set of features and services that will better connect project team members within and across organizations and enable easier access to resources such as learning materials. This collective set of services is called Bentley Cloud Services. The portal to this can be accessed from the Bentley Cloud Services menu in the RAM Concept CONNECT Edition interface. The set of cloud-based services available in the first CONNECT Edition releases will represent just a fraction of what will become available over the coming months and years.
An introduction to your CONNECTION Center on Bentley Cloud Services is available at the following link:
A comprehensive introduction to Bentley CONNECT is available at the following link:
Effective Depth Calculation Enhancement
There are situations in both post-tensioned and reinforced concrete slabs and beams where the traditional method of determining the effective depth of reinforcement results in an overly conservative shear strength and shear reinforcement spacing. Specifically, this can happen when calculating the effective depth using all tension reinforcement and where reinforcement in the compression half of the member goes into tension. One common example of this is near the ends of post-tensioned members where the CGS of strands is placed at the centroid of the concrete section. To overcome this limitation, RAM Concept now permits the user to choose between two methods of calculating the effective depth: the method just described, and a new method which maximizes the effective depth using a set of logical assumptions.
Post-Tension Licensing Restrictions
RAM Concept now has a means of disabling all post-tensioning features within the program. This ensures that use of only a RAM Concept license, and not use of a RAM Concept Post Tension Module license, is logged.
Error Corrections in RAM Concept CONNECT Edition
This release of RAM Concept contains minor error corrections discussed below.
AS 3600-2009 ductility design
In the ductility design according to the AS 3600-2009 standard, clause 8.1.5, it was determined that ku was incorrectly being used in lieu of kuo. The correction was made to use kuo for the limitation of neutral axis depth ratio in accordance with clause 8.1.5. kuo is limited to 0.36.
Selection of open shear reinforcement where closed shear reinforcement is required
In certain instances where the shear reinforcement density requirement was greatest within a region of "open" shear reinforcement, the detailing of this "open" reinforcement could have extended into regions of lower shear reinforcement density requirements without consideration of possible "closed" requirements within these regions. This has been corrected so that "closed" shear reinforcement is detailed in regions that require it.
Depth of pan joists imported from RAM Structural System
Pan joists defined in RAM Structural System were being imported into RAM Concept with the pan joist depth as the total beam depth. In RAM Structural System the pan joist depth represents the depth of the pan/web, excluding the slab thickness. This has been corrected such that the total beam depth imported into RAM Concept is the pan joist depth plus the flange thickness.
Incorrect SSR system reported on Reinforcement Layer when Ancon systems used
When Ancon systems were specified and designed, the correct SSR system would be displayed on the "Design Summary" layer. However, when the SSR objects were created on the "Reinforcement" layer, the default SSR system would be shown, as opposed to the Ancon system. This has been corrected so that the correct SSR system is also be shown on the "Reinforcement" layer.
CAD import
Several rare defects related to the import of dwg/dxf files were corrected.