Floor Load warning in the Output File
My output file has a floor load warning . What does this mean?
**WARNING** about Floor/OneWay Loads/Weights. Please note that depending on the shape of the floor you may
have to break up the FLOOR/ONEWAY LOAD into multiple commands. For details please refer to Technical Reference Manual Section 5.32.4 Note 6."
Itissimply a friendlyreminderway to remind the user toensure that he/sheshouldbecarefulwhenusing the “FLOOR”or"ONEWAY"regionsonwhichthe load functionandtoconsiderbreakingupisappliedshouldcomplyintermsoftheirshapewith the floorintosmallergroupsforcomplexshapessuggestionsprovidedinSection5.32.4oftheTechnicalReferencemanual.
The warning does not necessarily mean that anythingiswrongwiththereareanyerrorsin the floor loads oronewayloads,butjust that thehavebeengeneratedbySTAAD’sFLOORLOADorONEWAYLOADgenerationfacilities.The user should be aware that in some instances, it is necessary to break up the floor loads and oneway loads into smaller regions. Section 5.32.4 of the Technical Reference Manual gives a detailed explanation of these situations.Staadcannotdistinguishbetweenatwowayfloorandaonewayfloor,itjustappliestheloadstheuserinstructsit,soitgeneratesafriendlywarningjusttoremindtheuserthatthefloorloadhasbeencorrectlyappliedaccordingtothefloorgeometry.Youcansimply ignorethiswarningmessage.