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What's New in STAAD.Pro V8i SS6, Build ( 12 July 2016)

Current Revision posted to RAM | STAAD Wiki by Carlos Aguera on 8/18/2016 2:31:17 PM

What's New in STAAD.Pro V8i SS6, Build ( 12 July 2016)

Issues addressed in:-

(A) Issues addressed in the Analysis/Design engine (48)

A) 01 The AISC 360-10 design check has been updated to correct the flexural torsional buckling stress, Fcr, that is calculated for double angle profiles when Iyy<izz. this is due to a recent modification that failed to check for the occation when iyy>Izz and thus the major and minor axes were not correctly identified.

A) 02 The design routine for IS:800-2007 has been updated to include a warning in the output file if a MEMBER SELECTION command is included, but is not followed by a suitable analysis command to update the forces based on the new section profiles.

A) 03 The design routine for CSA S16-14 has been updated to include a warning in the output file if a MEMBER SELECTION command is included, but is not followed by a suitable analysis command to update the forces based on the new section profiles.

A) 04 The design routine for AISC 360 has been updated to include a warning in the output file if a MEMBER SELECTION command is included, but is not followed by a suitable analysis command to update the forces based on the new section profiles.

A) 05 Clause 8.6.1 of IS:800-2007 has been added to check that the minimum web dimension is met and a warning is displayed if d/tw less than the value specified.

A) 06 The AISC 360 design routines have been updated to ensure that profiles defined as solid rods are excluded from the code checks

A) 07 The calculation for clause in IS:800-2007 has been updated for welded profiles. As this is not 100% clear in the code, the following method has been adopted, if n>=a then Mndy = minimum of ( Mdy[1-{(n-a)/(1-a)}^2] and Mndy ). Previously if the axial load was zero, this would have resulted in Mndy as 0 and reported as infinity in the output.

A) 08 The AISC 360-10 routines for designing tubular sections taken from a standard table have been updated to use the following for the shear area:- Ayy = (D-3t)*t and Azz = (B-3t)*t. Note that this was correctly defined for tubular sections taken from a user table.

A) 09 The stresses reported for solid entities (both corner and centre stresses) have been corrected from a fix for addressing stresses for response spectrum cases which has resulted in the incorrect value of Poissons ratio was being used.

A) 10 The imperfection analysis routines have been updated to include both the moment and shear effects of the camber defined on members. However, whilst the moments were being considered, the shear was not. This has been corrected.

A) 11 The Russian steel design codes SNiP and SP16 have been updated to ensure that only the following profiles can be designed, wide flange, single channel, circular and rectangular hollow sections, tee, single and double channels. Any other profile is currently not supported. A warning message is now displayed when attempting to design one of these profiles.

A) 12 The deflection check routine used in AISC 360, IS:800-2007 and CSA S16 has been updated to correct a failure resulting in the CAN parameter not being checked (i.e. for cantilever members). Additionally, in the check for AISC 360 when the critical condition is deflection, then the forces were not being extracted and being displayed as 0.0.

A) 13 The routine to determine wind loads on open structures has been updated to correct the loading calculated on members that are not parallel to the direction in which the wind is being applied.

A) 14 The AISC 360 design routines have been updated to support the design of double channels which are aligned front to front, i.e. with the flanges of the channels pointing towards each other and touching. These sections are treated as a box section.

A) 15 The AISC 360 design routine has been updated to correct a spurious message that was being reported if the model included an ENVELOPE TYPE STRENGTH, but there is no DFF parameter. The message reported that the deflection check would not be performed as the DFF parameter had not been defined, even though no deflection check was requested.

A) 16 The IBC 2012 routine to determine the S1 and SS values has been updated to ensure that the correct values are determined when extrapolating between published values.

A) 17 The DIRECT ANALYSIS routine has been updated to support multiple response spectrum cases.

A) 18 The deflection check routines in the AISC 360, IS:800-2007 and CSA S16 design codes have been updated to report the correct load case. Previously the report would indicate the case to be the last case in the list rather than the critical case, however, the value was correct.

A) 19 The default value for the proximity of duplicate nodes created with the MESH command has been reduced from 0.1 in to 0.03937 into match the default tolerance in the GUI. Additionally, if the value has been changed using the SET MESH TOLERANCE and this does not match the value in the UI, then a warning message will be displayed.

A) 20 The Russian steel design codes now correctly design HSS sections as circular or rectangular hollow sections. Previously these were being designed as wide flange sections.

A) 21 The Japanese steel design codes AIJ 2002 and 2005 have been updated to remove a modification added in STAAD.Pro V8i SS5 ( to address equation 6.4

A) 22 The analysis engine has been updated to address an issue where a primary load case includes self-weight and that load case is later referenced in a second case using a REPEAT command, then the effect of the self weight on the section axial forces was not being included.

A) 23 The IS:13920 concrete column design has been updated to calculate the space between two parallel legs of rectangular hoop acting as confining reinforcement. Previously this led to the failure of providing confining reinforcement. Now, the program calculates the space between two parallel legs of rectangular hoop acting as confining reinforcement so that it does not exceed 300 mm. If it exceeds 300 mm it introduces cross ties and additional longitudinal reinforcement (if required).

A) 24 The sign of the shear force reported in the output file for designs to IS:800-2007 have been updated to be consistent with the signs reported elsewhere in the program.

A) 25 The output for the Russian SNiP steel design has been updated when displaying the details of clause 5.31, the values of BETA is now formatted so that its value is clearer. The design itself has not changed.

A) 26 The Indian steel design IS:800-2007 has been updated for clause 9.2.2. Now the bending capacity for laterally supported members with high shear (i.e. V>0.6 Vd) will be calculated according to sec.9.2.2(b). Note that if the section is semi-compact, Mdv = Ze * fy / Gamma_0, where Ze = effective elastic section modulus considering the shear buckling case according to sec.

A) 27 The AISC 360 steel design codes have been updated to ensure that if the parameter STP is specified with a value of 2, i.e. consider the profile as a welded section, then the larger web length is considered (i.e. without the rolling radius).

A) 28 The output for a response spectrum case has been updated to ensure that the details of the modal acceleration is reported correctly.

A) 29 The processing of the Canadian seismic code with SCL 6 (i.e. site class F), has been updated, such that if this is specified, the values of Fa and Fv are used. In fact if Fa and/or Fv are entered, then these are used rather than those determined from the value of the site class.

A) 30 The deflection check routine for the Canadian steel design code CSA S16-14 has been updated to ensure that the results are correctly converted to the metric unit system and this is enforced by including the units which are MM.

A) 31 The details of floor panels that have been loaded with a FLOOR LOAD command are now included in the output file. This makes it easier to verify that the areas being loaded by the engine match those as indicated by the graphics in the GUI.

A) 32 The analysis engine has been updated to address an issue when a primary load case contains a REPEAT LOAD that incudes reference to a load case which itself has a reference to a NOTIONAL LOAD. If the primary case also includes a reference to a NOTIONAL LOAD, processing of this would cause the analysis to crash.

A) 33 The AISC 360 steel design routines have been updated for processing the serviceability checks. If a deflection check is specified by including an envelope of type serviceability, but DFF has not been set, a warning will now be displayed in the output file to indicate the missing parameter.

A) 34 The Indian steel design routine IS:800-2007 has been updated when calculating the member strength to clause when in tension. The value of Td is used in determining Nd when in tension. Note that when in compression, Nd = Ag*fy/Gamma_m0.

A) 35 The Indian concrete design outputs for both IS:456-2000 and IS:13920 have been updated to include a header which includes details of the name of the code used in the design and the method of design followed, e.g. Limit State.

A) 36 The analysis routines have been updated when processing ENVELOPE definitions such that if any load case is included as both a Strength AND a Serviceability envelope, then a warning message. Any load case that is included in both types will be used in the first type that it is defined with.

A) 37 The deflection check performed for the AISC 360 design codes when set to metric units has been updated to ensure the report displays the values in metric units.

A) 38 The steel design code routines for AISC 360, IS:800-2007 and CSA S16 have been updated to catch a situation where a CHECK CODE or SELECT command line includes a member reference multiple times. The second instance of the same member number would cause the program to fail and only partially report the design for the second and subsequent references.

A) 39 The steel design codes AISC 360, IS:800-2007 and CSA S16 have been updated to report errors if the design is set to use PMEMBER references instead of MEMBER. Currently these codes only support the design of analytical members, not physical members.

A) 40 The SABS:0100 concrete design routine has been corrected to address an issue where the moments being used were not being used in the correct sense and resulting in an incorrect area of reinforcement being reported.

A) 41 As per cl. 4.4.2 of IS800:2007, if the moment amplification factor (Ky, Kz calculated as per cl. is more than 1.4, a second order elastic analysis is required. This has been added to the IS:800-2007 design routine such that if this is identified then a warning is displayed advising the use of a second order analysis.

A) 42 The IBC 2006 routine has been updated to ensure that Lower Cs limit is greater than that specified in eqn 12.8-5 which previously was not being done.

A) 43 IS:800-2007 LSD and WSD codes have been updated to include a provision to check against flexural-torsional buckling according to clause This check is included for single angle section profiles and the member is axially loaded through one of its legs which thus results in an additional moment due to the eccentricity of the leg from the centroid. Additional parameters for the codes to cover this condition are ANG, FXTY and NBL. Refer to the International Design Codes manual for more details on the default values and correct use of these parameters.

A) 44 The IS:800-2007 design routine has been corrected to address a problem that occurred for the design of a collection of members that referenced multiple user defined PIPE sections. The members that had been assigned with the second or any subsequent defined profile were being designed with the first assigned user defined profile. Note that the details of the section properties that were being used would be reported in the output file. However, this was not a problem if the user pipes were defined in a UPT.

A) 45 The Russian steel design code SP16.13330 has been updated to ensure that when checking clause 8.2.1(44) for combined bending and shear, if the ratio of this check exceeds unity, then the status is shown as a failure. Whilst the ratio would be shown correctly, if this was the only clause to exceed unity, then the overall status would still show as a pass, even though the failure ratio is shown as greater than one.

A) 46 The IS:800-2007 design routines for wide flange sections with slender flanges has been updated. Due to the restrictions in the code for the design of these sections, they will only be designed for axial forces. If there are any moment forces detected, they are now reported as a failure in the design.

A) 47 The IBC 2006 (ASCE 7-2005) seismic loading routine has been updated such that if a used value of CT is entered, then that value is reported as entered (and not modified to the current unit system). Note that this is used in calculating the approximate fundamental period Ta as per eqn 12.8-7 in clause of ASCE 07-2005, which uses the difference between maximum and minimum values of Y ordinate in the model (in feet) to determine 'hn'.

Additionally, if either of the parameters CT or K (which equates to the terms 'Ct' and 'x' in eqn 12.8-7) are not included in the IBC definition, then their values are calculated based on a determination of the Young's Modulus of all the members in the model. The value is calculated as the sum of all the Young's Modulus for all the members in the model divided by the number of members in the model. If this value < 4,000 ksi, then the model is assumed to be 'Concrete moment-resisting frame' and the missing values of 'Ct' and/or 'x' are taken as 0.016 and 0.9 respectively. If this value is > 10,000 ksi, then the model is assumed to be a 'Steel moment-resisting frame' and the missing values of 'Ct' and/or 'x' are taken as 0.028 and 0.8 respectively. If this value is between 4,000 and 10,000 ksi, then the model is assumed to be 'All other structural systems' and the missing values of 'Ct' and 'x' are taken as 0.02 and 0.75 respectively. Note that previously, if the parameter K was not entered, the value of 'x' was simply taken as 0.75.

A) 48 The Indian steel design code has been updated to ensure that if any member is clasified as slender and also has any moment force (other than a wide flange member with a slender web), then this is reported as a FAIL. This is because the code is restricted to only support axially loaded slender members and there is no provision for determining a bending capacity except for wide flange members with slender webs. Previously only the details of the axial checks were reported and as such could be reported as a PASS.


(B) Issues addressed in the Pre-Processing Mode (13)

B) 01 The display of the parameter LAT for the IS:800-2007 LSD and WSD codes has been updated to clarify that the two options are in reference to clause 8.2.2 and 8.2.1 respectively.

B) 02 The Indian Profiles (legacy) database has been updated to remove an unnecessary table called 'ConversionErrors'

B) 03 An additional check has been included in the tool Geometry>Intersect Selected Members>Highlight such that an intersection point will be included in the members connect at the end of one of the members.

B) 04 The GUI has been updated to recognise the command IGNORE ELEMENT which previously was reporting as an error. However, note that if the file is saved, then the command will be changed to IGNORE MEMBER. Note that both terms are interchangeable even for plates.

B) 05 The processing of COMBINATION commands has been updated to ensure that if the combination refers to non-existent load cases, then when the file is opened, then a warning is displayed with details of the non-existent load cases and when the file re-saved, they are removed from the combination.

B) 06 The AISC 14.1 database has been updated to be consistent with the published profiles from the AISC and the profiles previously included in the TUBE table have been removed. Note they are maintained in the AISC Legacy database and if needed, this database can be used for the US profiles by selecting this in Configurations>Sections on the Start Screen.

B) 07 The GUI has been updated to recognise a REPEAT load case which refers to load cases that do not currently exist, but will be created during the analysis in a response spectrum load case that includes the option IMR. Previously if the REPEAT case referred to such cases, then those cases would be seen as non-existent and removed when the file is resaved.

B) 08 The member query window has been updated to correctly display the reference of a double angle, either long leg LD or short leg SD or in star formation SA. This was being displayed with the LD, SD or SA parameter twice.

B) 09 The member query dialog has been updated to use the following in determining the shear areas of wide flange sections that have additional cover plates:- AY = (D+Tp1+Tp2)*Tw and AZ = 2/3 * (2*Bf*Tf + Bp1*Tp1 + Bp2*Tp2).

B) 10 The GUI save routine has been updated to ensure that when an IBC seismic definition includes a ZIP code, if there are preceding 0s, these are maintained and not stripped off which would cause a problem when the command line is processed.

B) 11 The GUI has been updated to improve processing of physical members when merging beams. Previously, if a beam was associated with a physical member, then merging that beam with another, deleted the physical member with which it was associated. Now with the current implementation, the physical member is not deleted but the beam is removed from included beam list.

B) 12 The GUI has been updated to improve the handling of the windows control of the Editor if the choice to switch from the current to legacy versions is made during the session. As the control of the Editor is handled as a parallel process, there were instances when switching from one to the other would prevent the Editor from starting without restarting the application. This has now been addressed.

B) 13 The 3D rendering routines have been updated in the GUI to handle the event of attempting to draw a poorly defined curve member. Previously this would have cause the program to crash, but now a warning message is displayed.


(C) Issued Addressed in the Post-Processing Mode (02)

C) 01 The 3D Beam Stress Contour dialog in the Post Processing>Beam>Stresses page has been updated to improve the cross section which will now maintain the correct aspect ratio even when the window is resized. Also the corner stresses are displayed as default and use the format defined in the View>Options>Force Units for the Stress unit, including the number of decimal places.

C) 02 The IS:800-2007 design routine has been updated in order to ensure that the details of a serviceability check reported in the Member Query reflects the design status. Although the ratio was correct, if the ratio exceeded unity, the status would still display this as a Pass. Note that the correct status was reported in the output file.


(D) Issues Addressed in the Steel Design Mode (00)



(E) Issues Addressed in the Concrete Design Mode (00)



(F) Issues Addressed in the RAM Connection Mode (31)

F) 01 The British baseplate design has been updated to support CHS sections.

F) 02 The RAM Connection mode has been updated so that it now supports taper members designed with a Moment End Plate (MEP).

F) 03 The display of bolts in the RAM Connection module has been updated to ensure that the radius of the bolt does not use the value of the bolt diameter.

F) 04 The RAM Connection routines have been updated such that when applying multiple connections, the error lists and data repository is cleared to ensure that new designs do not cause the application to crash.

F) 05 The export RAM Connection report routine has been updated to ensure that if the selection does not include any items, then creating a report does not cause the application to crash.

F) 06 The AISC>Bolt database has been updated to include washer thicknesses for all bolts.

F) 07 The AISC>Bolt database has been updated to include Nut Height values.

F) 08 The UK>Bolt database has been updated to remove the redundant ReadOnly column.

F) 09 The UK>Bolt database has been updated to include Nut Height values.

F) 10 The UK>Bolt database has been updated to include Washer Thicknesses for all entries. Previously some entries had a value of 'TRUE'

F) 11 The Europe>Bolt database has been updated to remove the redundant ReadOnly column.

F) 12 The Europe>Bolt database has been updated to include Nut Height for all entries. Previously some entries had a value of 'TRUE'

F) 13 The Chinese>Bolt database has been updated to remove the redundant ReadOnly column.

F) 14 The Chinese>Bolt database has been updated to include Nut Height for all entries. Previously some entries had a value of 'TRUE'

F) 15 The design of CBB gusset connections with WT brace members has been corrected to ensure that the correct area of the brace is utilised.

F) 16 The VXB connection design has been corrected and ensures that the analysis forces are included, which previously simply showed as zero.

F) 17 The export RAM Connection routine has been updated to ensure that where there are multiple connections defined at a node, both connection details are reported. Previously, the first connection would be reported a second time instead of the second connection.

F) 18 The internal method used to assign a connection to a joint has been updated to prevent assignment of failed connections. If these failed connections were included in a report, this would cause the application to crash.

F) 19 The processing of load envelopes in the RAM Connection mode has been updated to account for changes to the selected range of loads after connections have already been defined which previously caused the program to crash.

F) 20 The RAM Connection module has been updated to support members that have profiles defined with spaces in the profile name. Whilst STAAD.Pro does not support spaces in the middle of the name there were a number of standard profiles that had a space at the end of their name which caused the program to crash when used with a RAM Connection joint.

F) 21 RAM Connection module currently included with STAAD.Pro is unable to process connections created with the older version of RAM Connection which was included in STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 and earlier. In build, this would result in the program hanging and requires STAAD.Pro to be forcibly shut down. Now a warning message is displayed confirming that the connections will be removed. If the old connections are wanted, the *.rsc and *.rcc files in the model folder should be manually copied first.

F) 22 The processing of loads in the RAM Connection module has been updated to ensure that if the model changes and an existing set of connections are re-checked, then the loads are reprocessed.

F) 23 When entering the RAM Connection mode without using a full license, the warning message that is displayed now gives a clearer explanation as to the cause and action that can be taken.

F) 24 The RAM Connection input dialog has been reformatted to be more in keeping with other dialog boxes found in STAAD.Pro.

F) 25 The processing of materials included in the STAAD model when entering the RAM Connection mode has been updated to give a clearer status on their status.

F) 26 The Basic Connection templates have been updated to improve the reference of angle profiles used in the templates which previously may have used sections other than those listed in the title.

F) 27 The RAM Connection Report Export has been updated to ensure that the details of Ratio and Status are updated when the connection designs have been updated.

F) 28 The RAM Connection module has been updated to address an issue which would occur if attempting to design multiple connections and one of the connections returns the status as 'Not Designed', if this connection was opened, then this would result in the application crashing.

F) 29 The routine to select joints has been updated. It is possible to select a connection in the graphics window, then use the menu option Select>Select Connections>Select Identical Connections. This was previously causing the program to crash.

F) 30 The RAM Connection Results sheet has been updated to ensure that the Status field correctly reflects the design status. Previously, a design which had a ratio < =1.0 would display as 'No Good' and if the ratio > 1.0, then it would display 'Pass'. Now the correct logic has been applied.

F) 31 The RAM Connection baseplate design has been updated to ensure that the details of the anchors are defined in the correct units.


(G) Issues Addressed in the Advanced Slab Design Mode (00)



(H) Issues Addressed in the Piping Mode (00)



(I) Issues Addressed in the Editor, Viewer and other modules (01)

I) 01 The STAAD.Pro ISM module (StructLink) has been updated to ensure that if there is a missing profile in the mapping, once it is set , the same mapping is used for all members with that property. Previously, if there had been multiple members with that property, the same mapping would have to be made multiple times.


(J) Issues Addressed in OpenSTAAD (01)

J) 01 The OpenSTAAD example in an MS Word document has been updated to use the current OpenSTAAD Application object.


(K) Issues Addressed with Documentation and Printing (03)

K) 01 The OpenSTAAD documentation for the function Property > Property.GetElementMaterialName has been updated to correct that the parameter PlateNo should be defined as a long integer and not a string.

K) 02 The section on Troubleshooting> ActiveX Component in MS Excel in the OpenSTAAD documentation has been updated to clarify issues that might occur when attempting to register the OpenSTAAD component.

K) 03 The documentation of TIME HISTORY loading has been updated in section to confirm that a type ACCELERATION is used for GROUND MOTION and type FORCE or MOMENT is for assignment to nodes.


(L) Issues Addressed with licensing / security / installation (02)

L) 01 Usage of design codes is now activated by the creating commands and processing results.

L) 02 The installation has been updated with the preview images of the models in the STAAD\EXAMP\Advanced Cable Analysis folder.

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